Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6th day of IIP

Enjoy this inspirational song from Hey! Say! JUMP -Dreams Come True

credits: lovesaki123@youtube.com

Dreams is one of Mel's favourite thing to do. Dreams is just such a beautiful thing that we even dream when we're sleeping. Everyone should have dreams regardless of age. Most importantly, everyone should dare to dream big. If you don't dream big, you won't achieve great things!

Spend a few moments everyday dreaming. Dream about things you want to achieve. When you dream it, you will want it more and you will work hard to achieve it! I've probably talked about this a million times before and I will repeat this again whenever I feel like it. Yes, call me Granny Mel!!! Super Long-Winded!

Of course you're dream must be something reasonable la......If you dream about "Marry YamaPi/ JJ, Let me Marry Pi/ JJ!!!".....I tell you, that will never happen in a million years.....Oi Mel.....did you hear that??? haaha

So let's dreams together with Hey! Say! JUMP in this lovely song! :P

6th day of IIP - Public Speaking

In the morning, we were given a sheet of paper with 18 different topics for impromptu speech where our speaker will call us out and give us a topic. Aaahhh.... this is the thing I'm worst at. I didn't get picked.....luckily, but at the same time it's a loss because since I'm not good with impromptu speeches I should really volunteer myself. Anyways the topic I was interest in wasn't picked.

A nice guy volunteered himself to be the first speaker where he shared with us that the happiest thing that ever happened to him in his life was when he met his gf who happens to be in IIP with us too! How sweet~~~

After lunch, we were given time to do our power points for our presentation. My group decided to do a "Migration Package to MARS!!!!" haahaa.....because this is year 2060 and no thanks to global warming, all the natural disasters, natural resources being depleted and meteors attack....the world is coming to an end!! & Ta-Da!!! our ultimate solution plan is to Migrate to MARS where we will start out new life there!!! haaha....

Overall, I think my group's presentation went well though I think some didn't get my farmer joke~~ :( but that's ok....and sorry t0 Candy who was unaware that I will be using her name in one of the examples, you know, just to lighten up the atmosphere...."For those of you who enjoys clubbing like Candy, you can even dance to the hottest beats with fellow Marshians on Mars!" But Candy was smart enough to use that to lighten up the audience some more.

There were sooo many innovative ideas from all the groups. Like seriously what would happen to earth in 100/200/300 years with global warming/ polar shift happening now. They came up with things like floating city! totally movable house with some super protection! some capsule like bed which is totally movable and protects you! Smart~ so can we join Disney to be Imagineers now???

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