Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The chronicles of Narnia

I don't know why, but I don't remember anything from the last Narnia movie "Prince Caspian". I don't even remember if I watched it! Yea...but I do have a vague memory of the story when I went to watch the 3rd movie- Voyage of the dawn treader last week.

I'm tempted to read all 7 fantasy novels of C.S.Lewis. I wonder if there's anyone that I can borrow the book from. I would love to read and imagine the scenes for myself.

heehe....Prince Caspian is a charm! I love the actor Ben Barnes who played him. All 4 Pevensie kids have grown up to be really good looking guys and gals too.

Prince Charming

I think this is a movie that all children would enjoy. Since I haven't read any of the books, I should not comment on it.

Enjoy this clip where the host made Ben into a wizard from HP and made him say "Stop it Voldemort, you tart!" in super high pitch. hahaha....hilarious.

I love fantasy tales and can't help thinking about HP while watching Narnia though they are both very different. Both have British authors who wrote 7 books each.....and the books are being brought to live in films. hehe....I wonder when will the author who would come up with great fantasy tales like these for millions to enjoy pop-up. :D

No, I haven't caught the twilight fever yet though I am looking for people who would lend me their books to enjoy.

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