Monday, December 27, 2010

Shimizu Sushi Museum, Shizuoka

On Day 2, we were supposed to have lunch at a Sushi Museum.

The complex we were in was the S-Pulse Dream Plaza located in Shizuoka-ku, Shizuoka city. This complex houses Japan's only sushi museum-"Shimizu Sushi Museum", Chibimaruko-chan Land and Shimizu Soccer Museum. The entrance fees into individual museum : Adults-300yen, children-200yen). There's also a game centre here.

First off is lunch which is all-you-can-eat sushi!!!

Look at this masterpiece before you enter the restaurant and museum area. Spot any familiar faces of any presidents you know?

The seating area.....
I'm starved!

Each of us got out own special box filled with....

I love miso soup. I drink like 2 bowls every day.

After you fnish off everything in your box, it's time to move on to the buffet area!!!
*sigh* if only this was a sashimi buffet! but no....ahaha

...or you can order something too like these anago. If you want something more special, you will have to pay an extra price.

There's some broiled stuffs too....
Because it's all rice....that was all I could eat!

Time  to exercise it all off by taking a short walk in the sushi museum.

Look at this antique clock. Besides telling the time, the tells you the day of the week as well.

ahh....super huge wax sushi pieces. hehhee

A walk back in time
In this museum, you can see the various types of sushi from different regions and stuffs. Also from the past till present. But everything is in japanese.


Since we had a little time left, I decided to go up to the 3rd floor where the chibimaruko-chan land was located to have a look and ahh....ninjas~!!

Too bad I didn't have time to enter. I could only snap a pic with chibimaruko-chan and her friends outside.

A ferris-wheel at the game centre. Ferris wheels are quite common in Japan. I spotted quite a few while on the bus along the highway.

For more info of the plaza:

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