Wednesday, October 19, 2016

GeGeGe no Kitaro, Chofu

Visited Chofu with K and P. First stop was Surubaya where we had Indonesian food for lunch.

My fried rice with keropok and satay~

Pretty authentic curry~

At Chofu, there is a  theme shop and cafĂ© based on the "GeGeGe no Kitaro" manga series, located along the approach to Jindaiji Temple - Kitaro Chaya.

Walking down from Chofu Station, you will also see Kitaro characters along the streets.

At Kitaro chaya, they serve themed desserts

Being greeted at the cafe by Kitaro~

Kitaro dorayaki anyone?

Fans of GeGeGe no Kitaro would enjoy this place

Kitaro Chaya~

There was some sort of matsuri going on in the area and hence there were many people

Our GeGeGe no Kitaro kakigoori

GeGeGe no Kitaro ramune

Group pic

hahaha....there's even free plushies on the chairs for you to take pictures with

Right outside the cafe is another picture spot

GeGeGe no Kitaro family

A little far from central Tokyo, but it makes for a nice half day trip.

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