Monday, September 25, 2017

Ebisu beer museum & L'IGNIS

First visit at the Museum of Yebisu beer.

They serve interesting beers there. I think this would be an interesting place for dad. 

After that, we went to an area behind the museum and spotted these beautiful purple flowers.

Moving on, we went into a nice little garden that belonged to a hotel nearby.  The place was slightly hidden and I definitely would not have known that there's was a garden there.

It makes sense that the garden is so pretty because this garden is the main view from the hotel's tea room. 

Beautiful hydrangeas as the weather starts to get hot.

For dinner, we went to L'IGNIS (ăƒȘグニă‚č) which was lovely. I love the interior of the restaurant and the food was good. Not to mention that service was impeccable too.

To start off, I ordered the lemoncello cocktail (650yen).

Here we had the charcuterie platter with coppa, chorizo, speck, liver mousse and pate de champagne for 1500yen. I'm not a huge fan of this but it was definitely interesting to this out. I never really liked liver mousse in general but I loved the spiced cookies that they served with the liver mousse. 

For our main, we had the homemade dry-aged beef steak sirloin which costs 5000yen/150g. If not mistaken we ordered a 200g portion and paired that with a grilled abalone mushroom for 500yen a piece. We also added a side of firewood flavoured mashed potatoes for 600yen.

It was the first time I tried such a premium steak and it was the best I've ever had. Everything oon that plate was delicious! The abalone mushroom was meaty and juicy. Even the mashed potatoes were the best that I've had! They had such a deep and complex flavour to it! And how did they even infused the wood burning flavour into it?!

For desserts, I had had the today's tart with homemade raspberry ice cream (900yen). A great way to end the dinner because the desserts were in point too!

This was one of the most expensive dinner I've had in Tokyo.

Definitely a place that's worth visiting for a special occasion! And I would definitely wanna visit this place again too!

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