...continuation of Day 2.
The dance party was amazing!! Seriously....a dance culture shock for me!! When I entered the club, it was packed with dancers doing their thing on the dance floor without a care in the world. Their freestlye and musicality was super good. When the music style changed, so did their dance style. It seems that many of the dancers there were well versed with several different dance styles.
Super cool~~
We headed to the 3nd floor where we were allowed to place out luggages in the VIP room since we didn't have time to go to the hotel first. We were already late anyways. The battles have already started.
Almost everyone is there to join the battle and not just 1 category...There were seriously many participants e.g for hiphop alone, there are more than 100+.
The judges were seated in front and the participants would all gather in front of them. Numbers will be called and for each number, there will be 3 dancers on the dance floor battling it out. When their turn is over, another number will be called. So you've got to be alert if you're participating as you wouldn't wanna miss your turn. Newbies might feel lost and dunno when to enter or exit as the music continues without stopping and you just gotta go out when ur number us called....
After the auditions is the quater finals, semi-finals and lastly finals. Half-way through the battles, we got hungry and left for lunch during the bboy session.
Walked out to find yummy street food. We stopepd by this stall where all of us ordered the same thing. For me, it's because it's the only thing that looks safe to be eaten. hahaa.....

The food was great! Super filling~ but I gobbled everything down.
Yummy glutinous rice + wontons...at least 10 of them + duck soup + old fashion glass bottled soft drinks for only RM10+.

duck soup.....first time tasting something like this....not bad~
see....old-fasion glass bottles. Couldn't even see this in malaysia nowadays. Plus this fanta orange drink....never even seen it before.
Old fashioned Fridge....
Before the finals was the long awaited judges showcase!! I thought that I would only be fascinated by the hiphop and poppin category but boy, was I wrong. My jaw totally dropped during the house showcase because I never thought that anyone's feet could move so fast and light too!!! My mouth was wide open the whole time!!!!
Ahh...it's soo nice just to sit down there and watch everyone dance!!! *happy* After the event, dancers swarmed around the judges, bombarding them with questions about dance.....and I just squeezed in to listen!...which is why there's this funny pic....

At night the local dancers there brought us to this cafe for drinks but us girls were soooo tempted to shop that we went shopping by ourselves around the area and only got supper when there took us to a night market there.
It's actually quite easy to buy clothes to dance in around the area because I guess ppl there dresses up more stylishly or that there are a lot of dancers in that area.The only catch is that you can't try anything!!! Every single piece of clothing that I bought there were based purely on luck because we were not allowed to try anything on! Plus most clothes are free style, so it's take it or leave it!!
Whee~ after shopping we headed to the Liuhe night market....

First stop was to taste this delicious pork soup. hehe...it's like the taiwanese version of bah kut teh. Aaahh~ nice hot soup on a cold night! Yummy! the radish was tasty as it has absord the flavour of the soup and the meat was.....QQ??? about RM6 per bowl.

Whee...managed to try their aiyu bing....

Some stalls we passed by along the way...

Fried HUGE mushroom and octopus tentacles~ tried the fried tentacles and they were yummy but I dare not try the mushroom because I was afraid that I might get mushroom poisoning. Dare not take the risk as I'll be performing the next day.

Oooo...the super delicious "tigua".....fried, cooled and then coated with a layer of sugar syrup or honey!! I love this sooo much!

Yea, really hope that I can find this lovely snack in Malaysia.....yummylicious!!!
Another yummy dessert that we tried was the "leng dong yu tou"...cold yam soup which came in a clear sweet soup with a huge piece of yam, served cold. It looked plain at first but one bite andooo....ur in heaven! but among the 2, I still prefer the syrup coated fried potatoes....
...and that's the end of Day 2.