Ok....this post of mine is going to be like ChangMin's Diary entries! Mianhe JJ! For breakfast, I ate delicious popia!!! I tell you, it's really delicious, I eat it every time I'm in Ipoh. If you follow me back to Ipoh, I'll bring you to this particular stall too! Even the lady remembers me liao! This is the hand rolled popia, not the fried one!, topped with small, fired prawns! Yummie~~
Next, I went to this saloon and got myself a haircut + digital perm. Saturday is a bad day to do your hair....there's sooo many ppl in the saloon! My hair was cut by the lady boss....whom I feel that her skills are not that great! I told her to cut my fringe short and make it a straight cut.....and it looks sooo ugly now! I look like a dumb primary kid! Even my god-mum said my previous fringe styles looked better....and guess what! Previous ones were all cut by me!! I should go and take over her saloon man!
The digital perm? All I can say is, I'm never doing another perm ever again(for now). All the brain cells those chemicals killed!!! Plus the fact that the chemicals smelled horrible too....I think they are carcinogenic....hope not! And the heat!!! Before deciding on the perm, I looked through a thick japanese hairstyle book and spotted a picture of the model which I previously posted up in my blog, but decided not to copy her hair.
The hairstylist chopped of more than hair of my hair...the cut hair on the floor looked more than enough to be weaved into a new wig. My hair length is now 1 head shorter...haahaa, and it's been layered very thinly but I still have a big head! Thanks to my perm! I think I looked much more mature with the perm...which is what I don't like! Just hours after the perm and I'm already missing my old hair.
Yea, back to food. For lunch, I had this delicious vinegar pork cooked by mum's friend who's really good in cooking. I passed by the "Wong Fei Hung" too, this indian man who sells delicious kacang putih but I didn't buy any because my mum woulnd't let me! Instead, I got very very delicious cendol!!! Another food that I must have, when I go down to Ipoh! It's soooo delicious, I got myself 2 bowls! You just cannot get such delicious cendol in KL! And for dinner, I had yummy claypot chicken rice! Muahaahah!!!! and for dessert! Roti-boy! haahaa....
Is it just me or do I feel that my big head is catching a lot of unwanted attention? I don't like it when people are staring at me. Is there something on my face? Do I look funny? I don't know if ppl are staring because they think the hair looks nice, or funny because I didn't comb my hair the next morning. haaha.....sexy morning waves ma! I was really happy when I was shopping and then this sales girl came to ask my about my perm! wakakaka........*laughs like a witch*

Yea, I even went to the morning market just for food! Had nice fried char kuey...those with sesame seeds, dipped into my dad's white coffee! haaha.....and nice wantons! For lunch, tradition hakka food called "lui cha" which is rice topped with different vegetables, served with a bowl of green vegetable soup. Heard of it? It tastes really good if you know which stall to look for. The first time I tried it was at a friend's home and it was soooo bitter that I nearly cried trying to swallow everything! Ya....but this one is really really really good! Plus it's healthy food! and for my side dish-popia(again!) and gyouza-chinese style. Muahaha...for dessert, drove back to the same cendol stall again! My dad and I really love the cendol!! The good thing about Ipoh is that there's no jam and you can literally just drive from one place to another for good food!
Ate really lots of food in Ipoh including a bunch of other things I'm not supposed to eat! but yea....cannot help myself! So I lost my voice again!!!! Lucky Pancy didn't come, cause I asked her if she wanted to come. If she did, she's going to wonder why every time she come to KL, I'll lose my voice! The last time she was hear, I really lost my voice!
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