Mooncake Jelly- Dragonfruit with yolk

No more class~~
Having study week next week!
Good Luck to everyone who's sitting for their finals this coming September!!!
Received a call from the soft skills person today....don't know who, because I've never heard her voice before! This lady ah....I tell you!!!!
I've registered for financial planning about 2 months ago and K-workers less than 1 month ago, though I've always been saying since the beginning of the sem that I wanted to join K-workers.
When I registered that time, I was told there's 30 spaces and there's only 10-15 spaces left......I of course immediately registered. At the time of registration, I was told that K-workers starts from 24th of Sept.
However, because they've postponed the financial planning to 24th, the k-workers will have to start on 26??? And that was days after I have registered.
Yesterday, this lady who called weird man.....she asked me to take note of the dates for FP, which I did. I was like telling her "ya...ok", and she kept asking me "did you take note of the date or not? please take note!". If I didn't have my planner/ pen and paper with me, do you think I will say yes and ask you to tell me the dates!??
After that, she like telling me many people wants to joing KW too! and this and that! And if I cannot come, I should give my place to others!!!
Like I care!!!! Soft skills workers comes to all campus grounds around once every 2 weeks....and they always inform students of the latest courses available. It all depends whether you have the initiative to join them or not! When the person said there's only 30 spots, you should register straight away la!!!! and not when ALL THE SPOTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN!
Stupid one!!! Since they've postponed the KW, the dates clashes with the start of my final year project!!! Actually I could still go for KW and just miss the last few days.
This stupid woman like really want me to cancel!!
So I told her, since they have postponed the dates, it would be INCONVENIENT FOR ME AND THAT I WOULD LIKE TO CANCEL!
Then she's like....nearly wanted to yell on the phone....."since when we postponed the dates! when you registered, it was already for 27th!!!"
Then I had to keep explaining the situation to her! Don't know whether if it's her inablity to understand english or my inability to speak english well enough to be understandable!!!
Once she finally understands it, I told her that I will still go for the FP which I HAD ALREADY REGISTERED! and there she is....telling me that registration is closed and all sorts of nonsense!!!
ALREADY REGISTERED!!!! What is it in this 2 words that she don't get man!!!!
"I had already paid 2 months ago!!!"
Asked her to check if my name is in the list, just to make sure..........and she's like, "If you have registered then it's ok la."
Oh yea! Well Thank you for being no help at all!!!!