I'll be going to Genting tomorrow night for New Year's Eve.....hopefully the trip will be as fun as the last one. Oooo...I hope that it wun be very cold~~~~ bbrrrrr!!!
Ooo....remember the dance competition? The video is out!
For the preliminary round, we were the 1st group and then when the top 5 have to perform their routine again, we were the last one. Yea, so this is the second one.....
Urban Angels Winning Routine in I-Dance
Joel MySpace Video
Yea, the quality's pretty low....
Can you spot me? No? I'm the one in grey on the right in the beginning......
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sibu Trip
Blogging again~~~
The Sibu trip has been amazing. I really enjoyed it. For such a small place, it’s been really fun and most of all……a really great experience, esp for the dance part.
I had initially thought that we would be there for ONE performance on xmas eve only…..but no….we were dancing nearly every single day!!!
Let’s see…..( If I’m not mistaken….hehe…due to the lack of sleep, I might have mixed up several events and dates)
Day 1
Arrived at 9.00+ am: We were all worn out as we didn’t really get much sleep the night before as we need to arrive at LCCT by 5am! Omg~ Thought that we would be able to go home and sleep….but no….we were treated to a full 8 course meal at some Chinese restaurant facing sungei rejang (the longest river in sarawak). Finally got to sleep for a while after lunch before heading to church for prac….
Day 2
Press conference for the instructors and at night…..xmas caroling. This was soo cool man….I’ve never joined a xmas carol before and had never seen one as big as this before too….There were……thousands of ppl caroling?? It’s more like a marching parade actually…..with with huge flower trucks, marching bands, people and more people!!
What did we do? The prepared a jeep with speakers at the back for us….so that we can dance as we paraded around town! What an experience! The best part……was that it was RAINING!! I think we finished in about 1 hr+ but the parade lasted longer than that. That’s what you call street dancing man~~~
Then we went to Pintu Gerbang Sibu to watch the local bboys do their thing. They are really hardworking! You can see them practicing there every single night for hours!!! And I heard that they have to travel there by boat or something. Respect man~
Day 3
Minishows!! 1 was at a hotel and 2 more at a local mall. For the last show, we had to do freestyle and mine is like…..non-existence!!! Somehow I managed to do something which turned out to be part of choreography for some dance. It just somehow came naturally. Must be muscle memory~~~
Day 4 & 5
Instructor’s workshop!! The response there was good. And I go to join free workshops ….haha….
Oh, we also visited the local night market…which sells really good muachi. For someone like me who doesn’t like muachi, I think it tastes good too….
Day 6
Rehearsal….rehearsal…..then Movie night! Hehee…..visited this old school cinema there which still sells snacks like sour plum or old fashioned biscuits….and whose paper tickets have seat numbers written at the back with pencil!
Day 7
Xmas Eve and Performance Day! We performed on a state-of-the-art stage...well at least to me it is~ with all the lightings, huge screen on both sides and at the back, in the middle. There were camera crews who would shoot the dancers and project the image onto the huge screens for the audience....live~
Day 8
Mini perf at the church then..... Back to kl~ huhu......*sad*...and worst of all, the plane delayed for more than 2 hours.
Overall the trip was great, though tiring. There were trainings till late night, sleeping at 2/3 am. It’s nice that I got the chance to try out local delicacies such as kam puah, kom piah, chao bai guo gan, peppermint tea, mixed fruits ice…etc. It’s also unfortunate that I missed the chance to try the famous Foochow delicacy- ding bian hu. I missed the opportunity to go for an extra hour of beauty sleep…hehe….Oh and I didn’t get to eat Sugar Bun~…..it’s been like….more than 7 years since I had their fried chicken.
I felt as if I’ve gained extra pounds from the trip due to all the snacks and supper!!! It’s like a fat gain camp. When it’s time, meals will be provided to us by the locals and the serving is always huge. Plus I always carry snacks around with me and there’s always food in the kitchen. One good thing about eathing out there is that you will always be given a cup of hot water to rinse our cutleries.
I’m thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to go on this trip and also thanks to everyone else who have made it fun.
hm....that's all for now till I can remember what else I've missed out~ hehe....
The Sibu trip has been amazing. I really enjoyed it. For such a small place, it’s been really fun and most of all……a really great experience, esp for the dance part.
I had initially thought that we would be there for ONE performance on xmas eve only…..but no….we were dancing nearly every single day!!!
Let’s see…..( If I’m not mistaken….hehe…due to the lack of sleep, I might have mixed up several events and dates)
Day 1
Arrived at 9.00+ am: We were all worn out as we didn’t really get much sleep the night before as we need to arrive at LCCT by 5am! Omg~ Thought that we would be able to go home and sleep….but no….we were treated to a full 8 course meal at some Chinese restaurant facing sungei rejang (the longest river in sarawak). Finally got to sleep for a while after lunch before heading to church for prac….
Day 2
Press conference for the instructors and at night…..xmas caroling. This was soo cool man….I’ve never joined a xmas carol before and had never seen one as big as this before too….There were……thousands of ppl caroling?? It’s more like a marching parade actually…..with with huge flower trucks, marching bands, people and more people!!
What did we do? The prepared a jeep with speakers at the back for us….so that we can dance as we paraded around town! What an experience! The best part……was that it was RAINING!! I think we finished in about 1 hr+ but the parade lasted longer than that. That’s what you call street dancing man~~~
Then we went to Pintu Gerbang Sibu to watch the local bboys do their thing. They are really hardworking! You can see them practicing there every single night for hours!!! And I heard that they have to travel there by boat or something. Respect man~
Day 3
Minishows!! 1 was at a hotel and 2 more at a local mall. For the last show, we had to do freestyle and mine is like…..non-existence!!! Somehow I managed to do something which turned out to be part of choreography for some dance. It just somehow came naturally. Must be muscle memory~~~
Day 4 & 5
Instructor’s workshop!! The response there was good. And I go to join free workshops ….haha….
Oh, we also visited the local night market…which sells really good muachi. For someone like me who doesn’t like muachi, I think it tastes good too….
Day 6
Rehearsal….rehearsal…..then Movie night! Hehee…..visited this old school cinema there which still sells snacks like sour plum or old fashioned biscuits….and whose paper tickets have seat numbers written at the back with pencil!
Day 7
Xmas Eve and Performance Day! We performed on a state-of-the-art stage...well at least to me it is~ with all the lightings, huge screen on both sides and at the back, in the middle. There were camera crews who would shoot the dancers and project the image onto the huge screens for the audience....live~
Day 8
Mini perf at the church then..... Back to kl~ huhu......*sad*...and worst of all, the plane delayed for more than 2 hours.
Overall the trip was great, though tiring. There were trainings till late night, sleeping at 2/3 am. It’s nice that I got the chance to try out local delicacies such as kam puah, kom piah, chao bai guo gan, peppermint tea, mixed fruits ice…etc. It’s also unfortunate that I missed the chance to try the famous Foochow delicacy- ding bian hu. I missed the opportunity to go for an extra hour of beauty sleep…hehe….Oh and I didn’t get to eat Sugar Bun~…..it’s been like….more than 7 years since I had their fried chicken.
I felt as if I’ve gained extra pounds from the trip due to all the snacks and supper!!! It’s like a fat gain camp. When it’s time, meals will be provided to us by the locals and the serving is always huge. Plus I always carry snacks around with me and there’s always food in the kitchen. One good thing about eathing out there is that you will always be given a cup of hot water to rinse our cutleries.
I’m thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to go on this trip and also thanks to everyone else who have made it fun.
hm....that's all for now till I can remember what else I've missed out~ hehe....
Sibu Trip 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bday Lunch
Lunch with family at Daorae...
muahaha......pork belly~ yum yum!
As usual there were a lot of side dishes but I like this plain salad the most because of the corn salad dressing and I kept asking for more!
I've always wondered what's this jelly like thing and I finally found out from the staff- Korean tofu!
Bibimbap! Looks nice like this right?
After you've mixed everything, it looks like this......not very presentable, but it tastes great with the red pepper paste.
Yummy~ I just love korean bbq!
Yummy~ I just love korean bbq!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
If not mistaken, this is Pi's poster at Shibuya now.....
Congrats to Pi who will be holding his first solo concert!!!! おめでとうございます!!!
Found few great fanvids of Pi,lol a must watch if you haven't fallen for him yet!
"Totally Pi"
More of little things on Pi....
Lastly, clips from his latest J-dorama, Buzzer Beaat!!! hmm...looks like there's a love rectangle...haaha....I haven't got time to watch the drama yet :(
credits: nanookane, whitekurosu, Gryzek5, youtube
whee~~ Piiiiiii~~~~

Found few great fanvids of Pi,lol a must watch if you haven't fallen for him yet!
"Totally Pi"
More of little things on Pi....
Lastly, clips from his latest J-dorama, Buzzer Beaat!!! hmm...looks like there's a love rectangle...haaha....I haven't got time to watch the drama yet :(
credits: nanookane, whitekurosu, Gryzek5, youtube
whee~~ Piiiiiii~~~~
Sunday, September 27, 2009
More food....
Met up with the gals last week at Ikea....
This famous meatball is what everyone else had, except me, because I don't take beef.....heehe
Rue, Wayne, Sora and I
Monday, September 14, 2009
Was supposed to go for a farewell party for XueQin last Sat, but then the since the main star couldn't make it that day and some others too due to various reasons...... d' remaining 3 of us decided to still meet up.
Seawitch, ChorYin and I headed to Pasta Zanmai. (You must be thinking "AGAIN!!???" haaha...yes, again! cuz CY never tried it before.)
Tada~ D 1st dish! Unagi no Spicy pasta!!!! (hahaa...when CY read it, she tot it was "not spicy". LOL~)
This pasta is just nice with a little sauce from the grilled unagi and some chilli flakes. Initially, I was thinking that this dish wodn't be spicy because there's only a feww TINY flakes...but I was wrong, it's quite flavourul actually. The more you eat, the more heat you'll get! It might be due to the sauce too....But yummy~ and as usual, their pastas always Al Dente~~
This pizza here is one of their specials for the month of September. It's curry mochi pizza with minced meat. Weird right?? Mochi??? and curry??? on pizza??? As weird as it sounds, it's not bad. I guess you can never go wrong with japanese curry as even a non-cook like myself can make japanese curry.
The curry meat sauce smells great! Just the fragrant alone will make you salivate! Plus the stringy mozzarella cheese on top!! *yummy* The mochi is just a thinly sliced rectangular piece on top of each slice. It's actually tasteless...I think they added it just for it's texture. The chewy and springy texture. Q-Q?
Next is the ebi potato gratin!!! I tot it was only ebi, but it came with hotate too!!!! See....3 hotate and 3 ebi!!! Well, wasn't expecting too much from this dish initially as I thought it would just be another normal potato dish with the potato all smashed up with some cream sauce. But no~no~, this one has a great texture!!!!
We decided to plan a bigger meeting with our ex-coursemates who are currently residing in KL. It's been a month since we've seen everyone. So hopefully next time more ppl can join us!! Or else you're gonna miss out on all the great food!!!!
Seawitch, ChorYin and I headed to Pasta Zanmai. (You must be thinking "AGAIN!!???" haaha...yes, again! cuz CY never tried it before.)
Tada~ D 1st dish! Unagi no Spicy pasta!!!! (hahaa...when CY read it, she tot it was "not spicy". LOL~)
This pizza here is one of their specials for the month of September. It's curry mochi pizza with minced meat. Weird right?? Mochi??? and curry??? on pizza??? As weird as it sounds, it's not bad. I guess you can never go wrong with japanese curry as even a non-cook like myself can make japanese curry.
The curry meat sauce smells great! Just the fragrant alone will make you salivate! Plus the stringy mozzarella cheese on top!! *yummy* The mochi is just a thinly sliced rectangular piece on top of each slice. It's actually tasteless...I think they added it just for it's texture. The chewy and springy texture. Q-Q?
Heavenly, the 3 of us love this dish!!!! My eyes went like O_O at the 1st taste! Because it was just too gooood~~~ You can feels the lumps of potato as supposed to just a soft smash. The cream sauce was lovely and not too thick. There's some mushrooms at the bottom too....Ah, this is definitely a dish that's meant to be shared! It'd be too filling to eat it all alone.
We decided to plan a bigger meeting with our ex-coursemates who are currently residing in KL. It's been a month since we've seen everyone. So hopefully next time more ppl can join us!! Or else you're gonna miss out on all the great food!!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Ok....Both of them caught influenza A but not the H1N1 subtype!
Scared me~~~
がんばれ!to the 2 guys who are still filming Buzzer Beat and Orthros no Inu respectively!
I'm looking forward to watching Pi in his pink + black basketball jersey! hehe....
Ahhh~~~~ true or not one!!!!
Noooo.......my Pi and Ryo-chan caught H1N1???
イヤ!! ゼッタイダメ!!! ダメです!!!
Pi と錦チャン、早く元気になって!!!
Eeeeeyadaaa~~ Why my Pi? Ryo? NEWS?
One of them might have caught it and spread it to the other.....I hope other JE boys are ok!
Seriously hope they recover soon!!! JE pls let the boys rest~~~
Ok....Both of them caught influenza A but not the H1N1 subtype!
Scared me~~~
がんばれ!to the 2 guys who are still filming Buzzer Beat and Orthros no Inu respectively!
I'm looking forward to watching Pi in his pink + black basketball jersey! hehe....
Noooo.......my Pi and Ryo-chan caught H1N1???
イヤ!! ゼッタイダメ!!! ダメです!!!
Pi と錦チャン、早く元気になって!!!
Eeeeeyadaaa~~ Why my Pi? Ryo? NEWS?
One of them might have caught it and spread it to the other.....I hope other JE boys are ok!
Seriously hope they recover soon!!! JE pls let the boys rest~~~
Johnnys Entertainment,
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
All about dance....
Last wk at class, most ppl said that their favourite dance style is newstyle, except for a new guy who said locking. As for me, I like girl style and hiphop.
When I first started hiphop, I really like poppin and locking even though I can’t do them. Luckily, I had 2 girlfriends from hiphop- PM and SM, who also liked poppin, take poppin class with me. When we first joined, we had dancing gorilla who wasn’t very good. Most of the time, we were just mimicking his movements. I seriously didn’t know how to pop or do certain movements. Worse of all, I don’t even know the name of some of the movements.
Even so, I still liked poppin. Luckily, we had a better instructor later on. But now, all 3 of us have stopped poppin. I wonder if guys make better poppers than girls because many of the great poppers out there are guys……or it’s because not many girls take up poppin. Well, there are some great female poppers too!
When we first started hiphop class with Z, it was funny and torturing!!! He would make us do horrible warm ups! I still remember that a girl actually told me that she’s never returning after the first lesson….and she really never came back!
Then some new girls came and joined the class to make it merrier and more fun! Z would always make us do the dance pair by pair. I normally partnered with PM and it soon became very easy to dance with her.
It was not long before his class was changed to newstyle. It was around that time that I was quite busy and couldn’t really attend class. Even till now, newstyle remains as the dance style which I join the least compared to hiphop, poppin and girlstyle.
Newstyle is nice but I still find it a bit hard to get the feel and to follow the music. I’m not good at the slowwwwww……and then *pop* fast! I feel like I’m always in doubt when I’m dancing newstyle.
I still remember my first girlstyle class. My poor neck and back! I couldn’t balance at all! I can’t flip my head! Funny~ because it’s nothing like latin! Well, my latin is not good either! Every time after I turn and flip my head together, I’ll lose balance and forget the steps! Haaha…..but now, I enjoy girlstyle because I feel like you can really feel the song when you’re dancing it.
I like hiphop because I feel that it’s more carefree! Anyone can do it and make it look nice in their own ways! I’m still working on my hiphop because instructors say it’s a bit girly. I’ll work on it! I esp. enjoy routines with a bit poppin in it. Not the tough ones though…..but those with small, simple poppin moves!
Poppin is seriously one dance that you really, really, really need to practice, practice and practice every day….like every single small move!!! One of the reasons why, I will not be a good popper….
It’s sad that, even though I’ve liked locking for so long, I’ve never attended the class even once. I chose poppin or locking last time and now, I really want to try locking. I’m waiting for the right foundation class at the right time….but then no, it clashes with my other classes!
Got SP and AhKit to teach me some top rock moves recently and they’re sooo cruel! They were laughing while I was doing it~~~because according to them, my top rock has a hiphop feel to it!
I first saw New Jack Swing performance 2 months ago and liked it. I recently got the chance to try out the class. PM, they finally have NJS on Saturday! It’s sad that you won’t be able to join us! I’m still very new to it and can’t comment much except that it feels a bit like old school hiphop because of the big movements.
I’ve attended Krump lessons twice. I thought it would be easier to put the feel into krump due to all the stress and unhappy events at work…..but no, I can’t seem to put them together. I can’t think of some stupid people who make me feel like punching their face when I’m dancing. It’s hard to even just put an angry face. I’m going to practice it in a mirror….the “provoke me and I’ll krump face”!
As for reggae, I’ve stopped going for classes after 3 lessons. I love the reggae performance for the concert! But yea, reggae class…..is super tiring!!! Truly admire anyone who can do reggae well!!!
Well….that’s it! Haaha….
When I first started hiphop, I really like poppin and locking even though I can’t do them. Luckily, I had 2 girlfriends from hiphop- PM and SM, who also liked poppin, take poppin class with me. When we first joined, we had dancing gorilla who wasn’t very good. Most of the time, we were just mimicking his movements. I seriously didn’t know how to pop or do certain movements. Worse of all, I don’t even know the name of some of the movements.
Even so, I still liked poppin. Luckily, we had a better instructor later on. But now, all 3 of us have stopped poppin. I wonder if guys make better poppers than girls because many of the great poppers out there are guys……or it’s because not many girls take up poppin. Well, there are some great female poppers too!
When we first started hiphop class with Z, it was funny and torturing!!! He would make us do horrible warm ups! I still remember that a girl actually told me that she’s never returning after the first lesson….and she really never came back!
Then some new girls came and joined the class to make it merrier and more fun! Z would always make us do the dance pair by pair. I normally partnered with PM and it soon became very easy to dance with her.
It was not long before his class was changed to newstyle. It was around that time that I was quite busy and couldn’t really attend class. Even till now, newstyle remains as the dance style which I join the least compared to hiphop, poppin and girlstyle.
Newstyle is nice but I still find it a bit hard to get the feel and to follow the music. I’m not good at the slowwwwww……and then *pop* fast! I feel like I’m always in doubt when I’m dancing newstyle.
I still remember my first girlstyle class. My poor neck and back! I couldn’t balance at all! I can’t flip my head! Funny~ because it’s nothing like latin! Well, my latin is not good either! Every time after I turn and flip my head together, I’ll lose balance and forget the steps! Haaha…..but now, I enjoy girlstyle because I feel like you can really feel the song when you’re dancing it.
I like hiphop because I feel that it’s more carefree! Anyone can do it and make it look nice in their own ways! I’m still working on my hiphop because instructors say it’s a bit girly. I’ll work on it! I esp. enjoy routines with a bit poppin in it. Not the tough ones though…..but those with small, simple poppin moves!
Poppin is seriously one dance that you really, really, really need to practice, practice and practice every day….like every single small move!!! One of the reasons why, I will not be a good popper….
It’s sad that, even though I’ve liked locking for so long, I’ve never attended the class even once. I chose poppin or locking last time and now, I really want to try locking. I’m waiting for the right foundation class at the right time….but then no, it clashes with my other classes!
Got SP and AhKit to teach me some top rock moves recently and they’re sooo cruel! They were laughing while I was doing it~~~because according to them, my top rock has a hiphop feel to it!
I first saw New Jack Swing performance 2 months ago and liked it. I recently got the chance to try out the class. PM, they finally have NJS on Saturday! It’s sad that you won’t be able to join us! I’m still very new to it and can’t comment much except that it feels a bit like old school hiphop because of the big movements.
I’ve attended Krump lessons twice. I thought it would be easier to put the feel into krump due to all the stress and unhappy events at work…..but no, I can’t seem to put them together. I can’t think of some stupid people who make me feel like punching their face when I’m dancing. It’s hard to even just put an angry face. I’m going to practice it in a mirror….the “provoke me and I’ll krump face”!
As for reggae, I’ve stopped going for classes after 3 lessons. I love the reggae performance for the concert! But yea, reggae class…..is super tiring!!! Truly admire anyone who can do reggae well!!!
Well….that’s it! Haaha….
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Makan Sessions with YLing
Makan Sessions with YLing!!!
We usually go for japanese or japanese fusion stlye food...and here are the yummylicious food~
Japanese seafood curry spaghetti!

Cream sauced spaghetti with japanese mushrooms!
Unagi pizza!
Soft shell crab inari sushi!
Green tea tiramisu!
Grilled hotate!
Chicken gyoza!
We usually go for japanese or japanese fusion stlye food...and here are the yummylicious food~
Japanese seafood curry spaghetti!

Cream sauced spaghetti with japanese mushrooms!

Unagi pizza!
Soft shell crab inari sushi!

Green tea tiramisu!

Grilled hotate!
Chicken gyoza!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mel's dream home
Yes...Mel's dream home looks like this..... :D
It's sooo beautiful! I absolutely love the design and colour! Instead of flower...I'll have strawberries growing instead. So that in the morning when I wake up, I can pick strawberries for breakfast!
Hello Kitty
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Pasta Zanmai~
Whee~~~ Pasta Zanmai finally opened a branch in Sunway Pyramid. They're having promotions from 1st till 15th June for selected items on their menu and they have this voucher which you can order the promotional items from.
Ursula and I visited the place last weekend and this is what we ordered...
I swear the food looks much better in reality. As you all must've known by now that I use a lousy 2.0 camera fon to take these pics.
OMG!! YinLing, when you come back, I'll treat you to this to thank you for the "addictions" chocolate chip cookies you bought for me from Aus. This....I present to you, the "Hotate + mushrooms Pizza"!
Ursula and I visited the place last weekend and this is what we ordered...
I swear the food looks much better in reality. As you all must've known by now that I use a lousy 2.0 camera fon to take these pics.
Sarada (Salad)....always have this...everytime!

haaha...I forgot the actual name.....the hotate was juicy and succulent! The pizza base had just the right crunch to it....and the mentaimayo~~~heavenly!!!

This....I forgot the name too....is "unagi + egg+ mushrooms pasta". Initially I was worried that it was going to be quite tasteless because it doesn't seem to come with much sauce....but then it tastes just right. The best thing is that it came with 6 huge pieces of unagi. Hmph, compared to the 3 pieces of pinky sized unagi I have at yoshinoya~ Yup, this dish is not bad too....

This....I forgot the name too....is "unagi + egg+ mushrooms pasta". Initially I was worried that it was going to be quite tasteless because it doesn't seem to come with much sauce....but then it tastes just right. The best thing is that it came with 6 huge pieces of unagi. Hmph, compared to the 3 pieces of pinky sized unagi I have at yoshinoya~ Yup, this dish is not bad too....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pi's new J-dorama
OMG~OMG~OMG~~~ Pi and Kitagawa Keiko in a drama together!!!
Ok, I know I'm slow.....but, but....ahhh~~~
I can't wait!!!
Keiko was rumoured to be Pi's ex.....long time ago! Well, they did attend Meiji Daigaku together. Among all his rumoured exes, I prefered her best! Mou, seriously Pi, you should start dating nice girls!!!
I'm hoping for some love sparks between the two....in real life!
I love Keiko ever since Sailormoon, she portrayed my fav. Sailor Mars sooo well!!! At the same time, jealousy-ne, she got to act as lead female next to Yuu Shirota and now Pi.
Title of drama: Match Point
Plot Summary: This is a youthful lovestory depicting how a man, working for a company sponsored basketball team, who's not very self-confident but straight-forward and a woman who is cheerful but strong-willed with an attitude grow up through the trials and tribulations of love and friendship. Main role Yamashita Tomohisa. The female role of the woman the man falls in love with has been given to Kitagawa Keiko.
Other casts includes Aibu Saki from Attention please and Zettai Kareshi! Another pretty girl! Aren't you lucky-ne, Pi-chan? Oh and the other hot guy is Mizobata Junpei.
I can't wait! I love basketball!!! I wanna see Pi play bball!
Aibu Saki plays Pi's gf in the drama but then he falls for Keiko......oooo......MUST WATCH! Oh btw, Aibu Saki was also rumoured to be dating Pi once upon a time! Anyways, either girls...I APPROVE!!! But personally, I think Keiko suits Pi more!
Oh well, famous actors and actresses always gets rumoured to be with one another....how many can you believe?
I hope Pi plays a more expressive character.....but judging from the summary plot.... I hope it's not like Proposal Daisakuen. I was like, "Why don't you just tell her that you like her already!!!" and when he finally gets the courage, she dates her sensei!!! hai~~~
Ok, I know I'm slow.....but, but....ahhh~~~
I can't wait!!!
Keiko was rumoured to be Pi's ex.....long time ago! Well, they did attend Meiji Daigaku together. Among all his rumoured exes, I prefered her best! Mou, seriously Pi, you should start dating nice girls!!!
I'm hoping for some love sparks between the two....in real life!
I love Keiko ever since Sailormoon, she portrayed my fav. Sailor Mars sooo well!!! At the same time, jealousy-ne, she got to act as lead female next to Yuu Shirota and now Pi.
Title of drama: Match Point
Plot Summary: This is a youthful lovestory depicting how a man, working for a company sponsored basketball team, who's not very self-confident but straight-forward and a woman who is cheerful but strong-willed with an attitude grow up through the trials and tribulations of love and friendship. Main role Yamashita Tomohisa. The female role of the woman the man falls in love with has been given to Kitagawa Keiko.
Other casts includes Aibu Saki from Attention please and Zettai Kareshi! Another pretty girl! Aren't you lucky-ne, Pi-chan? Oh and the other hot guy is Mizobata Junpei.
I can't wait! I love basketball!!! I wanna see Pi play bball!
Aibu Saki plays Pi's gf in the drama but then he falls for Keiko......oooo......MUST WATCH! Oh btw, Aibu Saki was also rumoured to be dating Pi once upon a time! Anyways, either girls...I APPROVE!!! But personally, I think Keiko suits Pi more!
Oh well, famous actors and actresses always gets rumoured to be with one another....how many can you believe?
I hope Pi plays a more expressive character.....but judging from the summary plot.... I hope it's not like Proposal Daisakuen. I was like, "Why don't you just tell her that you like her already!!!" and when he finally gets the courage, she dates her sensei!!! hai~~~
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
With supervisors at Italiannies
Few of us decided to treat out supervisors for lunch on Monday (26/05/09). We finally handed in the final hard bound version of our thesis, with gold blocks!!! haaha....it's sooo pretty, I wanted to keep a copy for myself too!!!
It's d 1st time I drove from uni to 1U....following behing CW's car. That guy drives SOO FAST!!! The speed limit was 80km/h and he drove at nearly 110km/h!!!
Hello~ I don't wanna get a speeding ticket ok!!!! Already told him, I have bad driving skills.....and he still drove sooo fast! Kek sei ngo~
I had a speed racer in my car but she's not driving!!!
We initially planned to go to Shogun but we weren't able to make any reservations. Oh well....at least the food at Italiannes was great!!! I will definitely revisit the place! There are many eateries here.....but not all are worth a 2nd visit.
We ordered many yummylicious food...but but but no pictures!!! WAH!!! because we were too embarassed to take pics of food in front of the supervisors!!! haaha.....
yummy pastas......delicious pizzas.....refreshing pink strawberry drink......cheesy cakes......to-die-for tiramisu........*scratches monitor* yum-yum~
Few of us who were there with Dr.T and Dr.K.
5 out of the 9 under Dr.T, 4 biomedics and 1 biotech!
A fun day out with these nice ppl....hopefully, we'll all keep in touch!
I haven't played pool and bowling in a long time....that I've becomes super rusty!!!! I scored 70 for d 1st game n then 50 for d 2nd game!!!! AAHHHH!!! *hides face* Wahh~~ other ppl had strikes and spares and me??? all masuk longkang!!! :(
HW....why are you hiding behind there???
It's d 1st time I drove from uni to 1U....following behing CW's car. That guy drives SOO FAST!!! The speed limit was 80km/h and he drove at nearly 110km/h!!!
Hello~ I don't wanna get a speeding ticket ok!!!! Already told him, I have bad driving skills.....and he still drove sooo fast! Kek sei ngo~
I had a speed racer in my car but she's not driving!!!
We initially planned to go to Shogun but we weren't able to make any reservations. Oh well....at least the food at Italiannes was great!!! I will definitely revisit the place! There are many eateries here.....but not all are worth a 2nd visit.
We ordered many yummylicious food...but but but no pictures!!! WAH!!! because we were too embarassed to take pics of food in front of the supervisors!!! haaha.....
yummy pastas......delicious pizzas.....refreshing pink strawberry drink......cheesy cakes......to-die-for tiramisu........*scratches monitor* yum-yum~
Few of us who were there with Dr.T and Dr.K.

A fun day out with these nice ppl....hopefully, we'll all keep in touch!
I haven't played pool and bowling in a long time....that I've becomes super rusty!!!! I scored 70 for d 1st game n then 50 for d 2nd game!!!! AAHHHH!!! *hides face* Wahh~~ other ppl had strikes and spares and me??? all masuk longkang!!! :(

Biomedical Science
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Koi no ABO
Yea NEWS finally have another new single!! "恋のABO", which is used as the CM song for Russ-K T-fes!
Here's the PV! The song is about love, personalities and blood types.....
The song is nice but I prefer it when NEWS sings fun, happy and motivational songs, where you can just let loose and then shout and sing to their songs!
The dance reminds me of Saturday night fever. Can't wait to see the live performance!
I personally don't like Pi's hair-do in this PV! It doesn't suit his face! He looked a bit like Takuya Kimura and Tego looked a bit like Pi! Plus, Pi needs to loosen up a bit! He looks a bit too cool compared to the others! Btw, Pi looks like he has lost some weight.
Shige, Koyama and Ryo looks super cute, esp Shige's facial expressions! Massu looks like a good boy with his clean cut hairstyle.
Johnnys Entertainment,
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Farenheit concert
Warning: *extreme fan girl mode*

Ahhh.....Farenheit!!!! JIROOOOOO!!!!
The Farenheit concert was amazing! I'm now officially a fan! haaha......
Thanks to Aunt V who provided the tix!!!! I got to watch the superb concert!
Since it's Earth hour.....we had 1 minute of "darkness", after the opening act by Karen Kong. hehee.....
The stage....taken an hour before the concert.

I must say that Farenheit's fans dresses really nice to meet their idols. They wore cute dresses with matching heels or boots. They also fixed their hair!!! Oh and Farenheit has a lot cute fans! Plus their fans brought a lot gifts for them. Many brought bouquet of flowers, teddy bears, letters.....etc.
I'm not sakai la.....it's just that I must've looked super ugly when i attended dongbang's concert because most fans were all wearing the same super huge red t-shirt!!! Oh, and I looked like a rag at Rain's concert because all of us cut the concert t-shirt into.....rags! Ppl dressed sooo nicely to meet their idols and I dressed sooo badly to see the dongbang! Ok la....not like they can see me too......haaha...but I dress better to other concerts!!! as long as I don't have to wear any ugly t-shirts!
Anyways there's this section in the concert where the boys from Farenheit "were looking for their snow white"! At that moment it sort of clicked why their fans dressed up so prettily! 4 lucky girls got to go on stage with the boys!!!!
I admit I was a bit jealous.......because the boys were soo nice! They gave hugs and held on to their fans hands.....sang to them, played with them......etc. They were seriosuly very nice! I can totally see why their fans love them sooo much!
If you are WuChun's fan....you are super lucky! and he's one good artist!!! When the girls went on stage, the members went to picked the girls and the girls was supposed to introduce themselves.
WuChun actually knows the name of his fan!!! He said, "Let me guess....your name is "blah-blah"?"
OMG!!!! My jaw dropped when the girl nodded her head!!! She must be feeling super "lam" at tat moment! He remembers her because she was a loyal fan and she's been writing letter to him for quite sometime! THE MOST AMAZING THING WAS THAT HE ACTUALLY READ THE LETTERS!!!!!
I'm not stereotyping or anything but most artists who had achieved a certain level of status won't be reading any fan mails lo.......
If you are WuChun's fan! You can write letters to him man!!!!

Another member...I think it was Aaron, also remembered one of the girls because she attended one of their fan meeting once and played some game with them! They're sooo nice!!! They actually remember their fans!!!
Unlike some artists I know who won't even wave at their fans!!!! hmph!The concert was actually quite fun! There were many times where I wanted to stand up or run towards the stage but of course you're not allowed to do so. But it was just sooo high!!!!
They didn't only sing songs from their album, they sang some songs from various artists too. My favourite part was the "broadway" style, where they wore suits and had mic stands. They sang in mandarin, cantonese and english.
Throughtout the concert, there were lot of interactions with the audience. They even accepted all the gifts from their fans, which amounted to more than 50, I think.
Another highlight of the concert was the solo performances!!!
My fav....costume!!!

Oh, and they had fans like from SG, Thai, HK, Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia and Brunei there! I thought no one was going to scream when they mentioned Brunei, so I screamed!!!! haaha, but there were many fans from Brunei there! lol....
There's a japanese girl, a few seats away from me, who wore a kimono there!!! She looks soo pretty....in a pink kimono!

According to mum and aunts, the concert was better than Ah Mei's. Well maybe it's cuz there's more ppl singing on stage.
Lastly..... Jiroooo~~~
To me: Calvin's the beatbox king! WuChun's the one with the most well built body! Aaron is the handsome prince charming! and Jiro......ahh~~ he's just perfect! haaha....
For the encore perf., he wore "a pair of ears"??? I don't know which animal.....but I'm assuming it's a cat!!! Female cat meet male cat! Purrfecto~! End of story!

Ahhh.....Farenheit!!!! JIROOOOOO!!!!
The Farenheit concert was amazing! I'm now officially a fan! haaha......

Since it's Earth hour.....we had 1 minute of "darkness", after the opening act by Karen Kong. hehee.....
The stage....taken an hour before the concert.

I must say that Farenheit's fans dresses really nice to meet their idols. They wore cute dresses with matching heels or boots. They also fixed their hair!!! Oh and Farenheit has a lot cute fans! Plus their fans brought a lot gifts for them. Many brought bouquet of flowers, teddy bears, letters.....etc.
I'm not sakai la.....it's just that I must've looked super ugly when i attended dongbang's concert because most fans were all wearing the same super huge red t-shirt!!! Oh, and I looked like a rag at Rain's concert because all of us cut the concert t-shirt into.....rags! Ppl dressed sooo nicely to meet their idols and I dressed sooo badly to see the dongbang! Ok la....not like they can see me too......haaha...but I dress better to other concerts!!! as long as I don't have to wear any ugly t-shirts!
Anyways there's this section in the concert where the boys from Farenheit "were looking for their snow white"! At that moment it sort of clicked why their fans dressed up so prettily! 4 lucky girls got to go on stage with the boys!!!!
I admit I was a bit jealous.......because the boys were soo nice! They gave hugs and held on to their fans hands.....sang to them, played with them......etc. They were seriosuly very nice! I can totally see why their fans love them sooo much!
If you are WuChun's fan....you are super lucky! and he's one good artist!!! When the girls went on stage, the members went to picked the girls and the girls was supposed to introduce themselves.
WuChun actually knows the name of his fan!!! He said, "Let me guess....your name is "blah-blah"?"
OMG!!!! My jaw dropped when the girl nodded her head!!! She must be feeling super "lam" at tat moment! He remembers her because she was a loyal fan and she's been writing letter to him for quite sometime! THE MOST AMAZING THING WAS THAT HE ACTUALLY READ THE LETTERS!!!!!
I'm not stereotyping or anything but most artists who had achieved a certain level of status won't be reading any fan mails lo.......
If you are WuChun's fan! You can write letters to him man!!!!

Another member...I think it was Aaron, also remembered one of the girls because she attended one of their fan meeting once and played some game with them! They're sooo nice!!! They actually remember their fans!!!
Unlike some artists I know who won't even wave at their fans!!!! hmph!The concert was actually quite fun! There were many times where I wanted to stand up or run towards the stage but of course you're not allowed to do so. But it was just sooo high!!!!
They didn't only sing songs from their album, they sang some songs from various artists too. My favourite part was the "broadway" style, where they wore suits and had mic stands. They sang in mandarin, cantonese and english.
Throughtout the concert, there were lot of interactions with the audience. They even accepted all the gifts from their fans, which amounted to more than 50, I think.
Another highlight of the concert was the solo performances!!!
My fav....costume!!!

I LOVE THEIR SOLOS!!!! I LOVE CALVIN'S BEATBOX!!! He was sooo amazing!!! I've never seen anyone produce any sounds from their NECK before!!!!
I LOVE JIRO'S ROCKER STYLE SOLO!!!!! He has such charisma!!! Plus, he's really good with the guitar, both acoustic and electric!!! <3333 data-blogger-escaped-span="span">
I LOVE AARON WITH HIS GRAND PIANO!!!! I love a guy who can play the piano well! Plus he sings well too~~~When he was seated there with the piano, I suddenly felt like hugging him! I'm not perverted ok! But, he's good! I can't believe the's only 2 years older than I am!
I LOVE WUCHUN AND HIS DRUMS! I felt that the other's solos overshadowed his a bit. But nonethelss....it was great! CHINESE DRUMS!!! and you can totally see his sexy muscles at work! There's even some wushu incorporated into his solo.

Oh, and they had fans like from SG, Thai, HK, Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia and Brunei there! I thought no one was going to scream when they mentioned Brunei, so I screamed!!!! haaha, but there were many fans from Brunei there! lol....
There's a japanese girl, a few seats away from me, who wore a kimono there!!! She looks soo pretty....in a pink kimono!

According to mum and aunts, the concert was better than Ah Mei's. Well maybe it's cuz there's more ppl singing on stage.
Lastly..... Jiroooo~~~
To me: Calvin's the beatbox king! WuChun's the one with the most well built body! Aaron is the handsome prince charming! and Jiro......ahh~~ he's just perfect! haaha....
For the encore perf., he wore "a pair of ears"??? I don't know which animal.....but I'm assuming it's a cat!!! Female cat meet male cat! Purrfecto~! End of story!
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