Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

2011 has been a year filled with learning new skills, trying and failing to try again. Many things had not worked out as planned and all the set backs which led to tears being shed. If I were to give a score to all the years that I have lived, 2011 would definitely receive the lowest score as the worst year ever. It felt like the world is just against me in everything that I do. Not to mention failed experiments, work problems and stuffs but also road accidents. Not really road accidents but I've met several crazy drivers and had my cars scratched by them. The best part of it is that my car is not even moving at all in all the cases. It just happened and I'm like...."What~?" Never ever happened before in my 5-6 years of driving.

However, when there's good, there is also bad.....

Though I had to give up on a lot of things this year, I have learnt many new things too. 

1. Time is a very important thing and it's something that one can never get enough of. Slack and you waste precious time that could be used for something important or at least in the planning. Lose it and you'll never gain it back no matter how hard to try to make up for it. Therefore, always set your priorities right. Also, the saying that "if you love someone, give them time" is really true. I truly appreciate time spent with friends and families....more so than ever.

2. Preserverance. I've said it many times before and will again. This year, I've learnt to preservere more that ever. Giving up and running away is easy but preserverance takes a lot of effort. 

3. I'm glad that I took the time to visit old friends in Brunei early this year. I've been so busy and will be that I don't know when I can take another trip similar to this.

4. I'm thankful to have made new friends and to learn that somethings you can't just win them all. I'm also grateful for all the friends who have helped me, adviced me, just be there to listen and to guide me. To know that many others who have worked in groups end up not talking to each other makes me thankful that I've been able to remain in good relationship with those I've worked in groups with.

5. Rejection. To learn to accept rejection with a more open heart.

6. Public speaking. I had the chance to give a presentation in a hall full of professionals was a great experience and to have been praised for it was a plus. Besides that, this year, I've done more self presentation that ever. 

7. Recently I got the chance to teach and guide someone personally with the work I'm doing and realised a new side of myself. I found that I can do one on one tutor really well. It helps to train my patience too. Though I have taught tuition years ago but this experience was different. Not sure if it's because I'm a female or because I've had some experience with ppl who teach half-heartedly, but I felt like there was a need to guide and take care of others. Well maybe it's just cause I got an easy person to work with. LOL~~

8. Though I didn't have enough time to study the entire syllabus, I'm happy that I took the JLPT exam even though I don't know if I will pass. But it is a small step to take to improve my japanese.

9. Prepare prepare prepare. Always prepare things in advance and to always to read instructions properly. It's always good to be well prepared.

10. My masters project is the biggest part of my life in 2011 and the one which I placed the most priority on. Really gave it my all......but results have not been promising with set backs here and there. I have known that this path would be difficult and I sort of have predicted it. One would think that all the mental preparation would have prepared me for this but when the real thing happens, the impact of the blow is much bigger. But I am glad that I took the step to take it up.


Good bye 2011~!!! and hello 2012~!!

For 2012, I can feel that things are going to change for the better though for the first few months, I will have to try really hard and there might be some hurdles. Yes, come here 2012. I can't wait for whatever great things you have installed for me. Please take good care of my and lead me on to a shiny 2013!!!


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