I've decided that for 2014, I am going to only have just one resolution and that is to -
Setting this resolution has been the best decision I made that year end. I have challenged myself to so many things and it feels great to just look back at what I've achieved. This is a list of "firsts", whereby it was the first time I did any of those things or gain those new experiences.
I did a performance with my usual dance mates group where we had to wear extravagant costumes and tried a new performance concept. Throughout the year, I also performed at new places that I've never performed at before.
I went to the Japan Club's Shinnenkai with sensei and classmates. There I realised that I really like Wadaiko performances.
I made macarons for the first time in my life but not from scratch. Definitely requires more practice on how to get the perfect macaron with feet.
I went for my first ever hike in Malaysia. Getting in touch with nature is not something that I get to do much of and this experience was a really good one for me.
I joined the postgraduate student council. This is where I would eventually learn to organize various event and work with people from of different nationalities and majoring in different fields.
Couldn't remember much main highlights from April except that I was hard at work in the lab. But I did learn to stay away from people who does not have my best interest at heart.
I made my first mac and cheese.....and probably made a bit too much! hahaha....but it was really creamy and cheesy! So yummy~
I went for my first ever MPO. One time and I'm hooked! Can't wait to return for many more~
I volunteered to help out with a team talk event organised by the council as an usher. There I got listen to the struggles of other postgraduate students who majored in various disciplines and how they overcome them.
I crossed rivers and hiked up a hill just to see a waterfall (chilling waterfall) and swam in the water. Pretty proud that I joined this hike.....climbing up and down rocks is definitely not my forte, neither is river trekking. Moreover, there were BUGS EVERYWHERE!
I attended a one time event. Interesting but I don't think I will attend one again.
I attended a course mate's wedding.
I made my macarons from scratch. Feeling proud that they turned out good~ :D
I tried an escape themed game for the first time with my dance mates and later in August with the girls. Failed and lost both times~ hahaha.....
I brought Mish for banana leaf rice both times she came back from Japan this year. Who would've thought that I knew where!
I dyed my hair pink, purple and blue just because Mish asked me to accompany her at the salon while she dyes her hair.
I went for my first ever meet up. Thanks to it, I've been able to practice my Japanese more than ever.
I volunteered to help out as an usher for a cancer conference held in Uni. Hence, I got the opportunity to attend the conference for free and it was especially interesting to listen to the discussion on traditional medicine versus pure drug compound.
I met the 2 external examiners for my school, where we organized a dinner and tea session with them on 2 separate occasions.
I met the 2 external examiners for my school, where we organized a dinner and tea session with them on 2 separate occasions.
I went for Bon Odori with the language-exchange peeps.
I attended Tham's traditional engagement ceremony. It was interesting because I've never attended one before.
I went for the Japanese Film Festival. I've always wanted to go every single year since I first heard about it, but never got to, till this year.
I helped organize a tea talk event where we got to network with student council members from other universities.
I became a hair model for the first time, where I had autumn coloured hair - red top with purple bottom.
I went for my first jazz live -Benny Lackner Trio. It was also the first time I've seen an ipad being used as an instrument.
I went on my first ever overseas conference in Taiwan. Even got to travel around a bit thanks to my uni course mate who brought me around.
I stayed with airbnb which introduced me to a whole new way of travelling.
I tried japanese yakiniku for the first time and also had my first bite of stinky tofu.
I tried japanese yakiniku for the first time and also had my first bite of stinky tofu.
I cycled in Taipei City with Taipei 101 as the backdrop.
I worked as an interpreter for the first time, where I bumped into Peng after 9 years.
I became proactive in approaching people. If you want to make more new friends, you have to be more proactive!
I went on a shopping spree with Charm spending RM1K in a few hours buying gifts in preparation for the year end dinner in December. Shopping therapy is amazing~
I've met more postgraduate students from other courses in my own uni this year than previous years.
I am truly grateful for all the love I received on this special month. (Ok, not a first time, but it's important to be thankful for every little thing in life)

I attended a fully dance dinner for the first time in Malaysia. Really enjoyed myself and was happy that I got to perform on the same stage as these amazing dancers.

I attended a hen's tea, became a "jimui" and helped with a wedding reception.
So this pretty much concludes my 2014. I'm happy that I managed to overcome my down moments. Thinking back, there had definitely been a lot of up moments this year. I'm truly blessed to have received so much love from everyone especially my family. Then "THIS December" has truly been crazy! I'm out almost every single day with different group of friends or family members, enjoying good food, having a great chat and truly living life to the fullest!
Thank you 2014 for treating me so well~