kekee...soo good to see まきちゃん in a dress! I like the dress she wore! And lol...even when she's dressed up as a girl, she stands and walks like a guy!
しゅん君 looks sooo good when he smiles! He should smile more! So sexy! and his body looks sooo hot....long and lanky!!! Cannot spam too much about him cause he belongs to moon....but then i can fantasize about him right!!??? hohhoho~~~~ ゆう looks sooo sexy in his school uniform! His attitude is sooo cool and gangster-ish? But i like! hot hot hot! Poor you~~ when only will you have more screen time?

Credits : 城田優 Official Blog
A lie detector machine???(笑) who ever tot this up man!!! poor なかつ(Nakatsu) and まきちゃん!!
せきめ(Sakime) hass sooo little scenes!!! just like my ゆう. At least せきめ got more!
And かやしま(Kayashima) is sooo adorable!!
なかつ: What would you do if I was gay?
かやしま: I would change rooms!!
haahaa......initially I tot he was gay cause he was soooo nice to なかつ......turns out they're room mates!
I really like the part near the end where the Blossom High girls were searching for missing bras and underwears in Osaka High's dorms....and the Karate group from dorm one actually took off their shirt and did this adorable cheer!! I'm starting to like the Dorm 1 leader too!!
Ooo...talking about ending! NANBA SENPAI!!!! WHY ARE U IN A BRA!!!??? *faints*
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