Ahhh...!!!! Sooo happy when I received the postcard. I spent like 5 minutes looking at the picture trying to look for Moon's old apartment!!! And I think I spotted it but I'm not too sure which.....eee......I've forgotten the city plan!!!
Ahh....soo many memories from the postcard!!! I actually cried! I missed those times sooo much! I miss you guys soo much! *sniff* and I want to visit too! But this year end seems quite impossible....maybe next year after I graduate.
Chong's card!!!

Plus after sooo many years in Brunei and passing by there every week....I never that it's perimeter is actuall that round. I know la, when you go to Yayasan, you'll surely drive past it....but I guess I wasn't that observant.
The mosque is actually very beautiful.

Oh and I can see the Royal Regalia's roof! I used to like going there when I was younger because it's sooo huge and quite empty....and cold! Plus our school- SGS is super near to it!!!! But I only remember going there once with you guys. Wanna walk over to Moon's place also can see it right across the road!!

Oh! and I don't see SGS, but I know where it is la...... . I'm guessing the green building further up from the Royal Regalia's roof is Moon's old apartment? And I see CHMS!!!! and Pusat Belia!!! Then got Chinese temple! HSBC??? right? and Lina, is the building where we had our POA tuition in the pic too?
And the padang!!!! National celebration, Sultan's Birthday......then we have flag waving and we'll all be lining up along the road from Istana till there!!! haaha.....the old flag waving days!! And if some important people from another country comes, we'll be waving both countries flag! Then they will provided us with free food. I remember got bun, nasi lemak and drinks. hahaaha.....or was that the Sea Games package for dinner every night?
Ahhh sooo many memories!!!!
Yalo!!! and I was such a good girl somewhere(ahem ahem) till I met 'these' bunch of ppl....hahaa.....go lepak-ing after class!! Walk from SGS to Yayasan or Bolkiah/ Borneo cinema! Plus the Borneo cinema was 2 storeys summore and there's only a few of us sitting up there on the second floor! Scared me like mad when we watch ghost movies!
Plus once Pancy who was sitting next to me suddenly ran away......scared me half dead! Why suddenly next to me no one!!! Make me run away too!!!! And I remember throwing a bottle down the blacony once.....gomene!!!
Once worse, took the water taxi to Yayasan for the first time in my life in form 3!!! Scared me half dead!
When I look at the postcard, everything seems so calm.....but it's always been calm and safe. I guess that's what makes it special!
Yea, and we're always walking around!!! under the hot sun!!! under the rain!!! when there's stong wind!!!
Oh! And I took the public bus for the first time in my life with Chong, Lina, Moon, Pancy...and got MeiLin kah? I don't remember....Chong's always leading the way..... at first, I don't even know how much is the bus fare or which bus goes where....I just follow! sakai and like never sit bus before.
Plus I used to cannot cross roads alone! except for the ones near my mum's shop. And I need to tag along with somewhere especiall when crossing Gadong punya roads....super banyak cars ok!!! And then after lepaking for sometime! Expert liao~~~
Bah, next time you all come KL, I bring you all take bus!!! Then I bring you all to cross roads with even more cars!!! hohoho.....
Lastly, Thanks for the postcard! Really brought back loads of great memories! Plus it was such a surprise!
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