Yoooorrr....Lina got put my picture on the table or not when you all have gatherings???
I miss everyone sooo badly when I saw the pics!!! eeee, I wanna take couple pics too!!! I don't care!!! Someone pls grab my picture and take a pic with it!!!! I'm in a state of desperation right now!!!! Grab moon's pic also la, since both of us here in kl! haaha....
Then there's SGS reunion??? Ah, I'm missing out on soo much! I felt like I've never been to any reunion meetings before.....or maybe I did, once! Does that count?? .....The one many years ago, in........what's the restaurant again?? mameh?? mamuh?? the one near Supa Save??? Oh god, I don't remember.
Some one please bring my pic along and place it on the table!!! haaha.....
Many ppl from sgs are back in Brunei??? I wonder how everyone's doing. Help me send my regards to everyone please.
I'm recently in love with this song!
SS501's I'm your man
credits: CJWTown, youtube
I love the chorus....it just keeps playing in my head! Plus I love Young Saeng's voice. Kyu Jong??? looks very yeng! Their names are soo difficult to remember!!
And....and.....Kim Hyun Joong from SS501 is going to be Hanazawa Rui!! whee~ my favourite character! I approve!!! haaha...because I think Hyun Joong is one of the most handsome korean guys around and he definitely suits Rui's character!
At the moment, other than Rui, other characters look kinda weird. I think only Hyun Joong and Chae Young suits their chactacter best!

Makino looks like 2 different person in both pictures (the bottom one looks better) and Doumyouji's hair is.....hilarious! The curls/ waves....look soo....weird....it's like you can actually see and count the layer of curls. haaha....

Let's see......the 1st ever hana yori dango drama series.....
The taiwanese version was ok.....but the series is too long!!! and I kept crying and crying~~~
Personally, I think Jerry's octopus head is not bad!

As for the korean one, I still think 24 episodes is long, but it depends where the story ends. For me, anything longer than 15 episodes is long! and I don't like watching long dramas! But I'm really looking forward to see how it all turns out and Hyun Joong + Chae Young together!!
Plus I've been looking forward to see HJ act ever since Lina started telling me to watch Hwangbo couple, which I will....when I have time, the series is very long le........
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