Been dying to blog about several things...haahaa......but just never had the time.
Yup...have been pretty busy the past week.....
Oh...and oh.....yes! I've been dying to blog about my unexpected visitor who came totally unexpectedly!!! And I will dedicate my next blog post to him....with pictures included!!!
What have I been up to??? that I was too busy to blog about this cute unexpected visitor???
1) On the way to KLIA on Sat morning, at around 1.30am, I saw this car on the other side of the road stopped right after the toll and there's this woman lying next to the car. At first I thought the car knocked her but at a closer look, it seems like she was a passenger and just needed to get some fresh air.
On the way back, at about 3.30 am, 2 hours later, there were police at the site, so I quickly turned to look at the place where the woman was lying......and the police had already cover her up!!
I was sooo shocked! I wonder what happened! 2 hours is plenty of time for an ambulance to arrive esp. during wee hours....or maybe no one called for one.
2) We celebrated Siew Mun's 22nd Birthday last Sat! No pics at the moment, had to get them from PM.
3) My japanese exam was last sunday.....and since I didn't study/ prepare for the exam at all, I was trying to cram in as much as I can the night before the exam!!! Sigh~ burning the mid night oil.....not something I normally do for normal exams.
Once again, the exam site was UPM, at their engineering faculty. And I was shocked to see mini planes in their faculty that I thought I was in the flight academy.
As usual, there were thousands of people taking the exam at the KL test site. For my level, there's slightly less than a thousand I think.
Right before the exam, I over heard some people next to me said they had no confidence and were afraid that they might fail.....Hoi~~~ I'm the one who should be super worried lo.....because I didn't even attend any formal classes for the past 3 years!!! My god! Made me feel even more worried!!!
1st paper was ok, but I did realise I made a stupid mistake for one of the kanji characters......Soooo stupidd~~~ it was like one of the very few kanjis I've ever learnt and I picked the wrong answer!
2nd paper was the listening paper and gosh! I just hope I did ok!
3rd paper was OMG!!!! Die ahhh!!!! This paper holds major marks!!! and I forgot to study literally everything required for this paper!!!! AAahhhh~~~ When I opened the paper, I was like....OMG!!! I forgot to study these!!!!
Sigh~ praying for the best!
4) I went and bought myself YAMA-PI with my parents on Monday!!!
Happy~~~~been wanting to get one for so long and FINALLY~~~ couldn't wait to get my hands on Yamapi!'s not......him!
I wish!........but......
Tada- introducing my YAMA-Grand-PI!! Yamaha Portable Grand Piano DGX-230/ YPG-235! 76 soft touch key!!! haaa...lovely isn't it! Bought a stand and a sustainer pedal for it!

5) Lastly, lab work!! lol.....Jas, SL and I had sooo much work to do on Fri that we didn't manage to finish what we wanted to do and since the lab HAS to close at 5.30pm! We packed up and brought our things home!!! haahaa......
Tada... my casein hydrolysis and NaCl tests plates! in the store room, next to my YAMA-PI!
Lol....actually I finished my work. It's just that I didn't have enought time to observe the results for the NaCl ones so I had to bring them home. Then I had to observe the result for the casein hydrolysis after 48 hours and lab doesn't open on sundays......
It's only been 24hours and from this pic, I could see that the casein hydrolysis has fast! I wonder if it's ok to look at my plates tomorrow morning.....I just showered and I'm going to bed soon!!! I don't wanna touch my 'babies'. Bad mother!
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