Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 2: Pura Taman Ayun and Wild Hog

Pura Taman Ayun

Address: Jalan Ayodya, Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, Indonesia

There are soooo many temples in Bali. Every corner that you turn into, there's one temple there. But, of tourists we had to visit the few famous ones. 

Pura Taman Ayun is one of the popular ones with many tourists. 

When I was there, there were many tourists, mostly japanese tourists with their private local tour guide who speaks very good japanese!

Ah~ such good weather when we were there!

We spotted a lot of these along the streets of Bali. Not sure what they're called but they really decorated the streets beautifully.

Apparently when we were there, there was a huge festival in a day or 2 so they were busy with the preparations.

For dinner, cousin brought us to the Wild Hog which serves very good pork ribs!

Address: Jalan Batubelig No. 41, Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Looks good and tastes great! They were super juicy~

I ordered a plate of nachos which were meh......

They have really interesting decorations there.

After dinner, we headed home and it was time for another swim in the beautiful pool~ <3

And what a way to end an amazing day.......HARRY POTTER on TV~!!!! ever!

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