Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Strawberry dessert fair

Ehoumaki  that we purchased from Summit store.

This year, we decided to go big and pre-ordered a big one. It was a good choice because this maki was packed with various seafood!

On one weekend, we decided to drop by the strawberry sweet festival at the Akarenga before lunch as we had some time.

There were many people as there were many shops inside this temporary tent selling various sweets from different patisseries' in Japan.

Here is me with a super cute cat dessert from one of the stall. 

This picture was taken in early Feb, as you can see in this picture, there are many people cramped into a small enclosed area. And at that time, there were still many people without masks yet. Mostly, because mask was still scarce and sold out in most stores.

During this time, we are using whatever stock we could find at home. Digging through the closet, we found some old packs which came in handy during this time. But we were worry when we'd run out and was always on the look out to buy more.

Feel bad that I had to destroy the cute kitty to enjoy it.

The famous Patisserie Sadaharu Aoki also had a stall there and I had to get one of his cakes as they're always good!

This time, we decided to get a nice seat outside under the sun which was a good decision as the weather was nice and there was a nice breeze. 

After this, we had to stop as we have a lunch reservation at the Royal Wing.

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