Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Meeting up with Chong again

Chong came to Tokyo for concert and stayed at my placed. On her first night, I was supposed to meet her at McD but she had trouble finding it because apparently people she asked didn't know where it was, which was not possible as it was the only one in that area. 

After that, we concluded that it might be because of the accent as McD is known as Makudonarudo here.

We ended up having Nagasaki Chanpon for dinner. It was nice on a cold night. Hot soup that's filled with load of veggies~!!! And with a side of gyoza!

We also ordered the dry version which was nice too but I guess we left it for too long before digging into it because the sauce had gotten cold.

The next day, Chong came to grab lunch with me nearby my office. We went to this yummy sushi place that I went to before with my colleague.

I love how refreshing their radish salad was and their 1.5 person sushi is always good. All for only 1000 yen~!!!

After lunch, I headed back to work while Chong went for her concert.

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