Friday, August 31, 2007
<3 Pi & Johnny's Jr.
Pi's infamous orange juice trick!
Look at little Ryo~~ he's sooo tiny, when he's actually a year older than Pi!
Yes, you see my guy is soo smart right? In the end, everyone's asking "what do you/we do now?" and Pi's reply, "yea, what do we do now?"
Johnny's Jr doing gymnastic tricks.
Notice an elderly man in this vid, doesn't he look familiar? I think he's the "Watari/Sawatari"....the old man in death note.....the one who helped L.
The 1st guy in green is the one giving them the instructions on what they should do....
1st up was Pi-chan.....look at him! so cute!....Tackey looks proud! haaha
Next up,
3rd, Shingo-kun.....kesian his head-he treated it like a pillow! he's like a little monkey!
4th, Toma-kun!!! haahahaa....sooo cute~ he's like a little monkey too~~~
Next, Aiba-kun.........really gotta give credits to Johnny's for training all their trainees.....all these hard gymnastic moves which normal ppl like me cannot do, doesn't seem to give them any problem!
6th, Nino~~~the BEST!! *claps*
7th, Yuki-kun
Next, Tsubasa.....he nearly broke his arm! Look at his back flip!!
Lastly, Tackey!!! ahh......
Pi-chan on a "Giant Drop" ride!!!
Super cute....I thought he fainted at the end....haaha
Little Ryo singing in high pitched voice and got hit on the head!
Little Ryo again(in red).....with Pi-chan(in green). Pi is one head taller than Ryo!! haahaa.....and Ryo-chan's voice is sooo kawaii~~
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
SFCIdol Top 10
Pi: *passes by Mel's room* *peeks in*
Mel: ARGHH!!! *bangs head onto keyboard*
JJ: *walks past* *peeks in too*
Mel:*sings* WHY! WHY! TELL ME WHY!
Pi & JJ: *looks at each other*
JJ: *pushed in by Pi* everything alright?
Mel: AAaaahhh~~~~ yobo~~~~(means darling in korean??)
JJ: '0' what is it?
Mel: *sniff* all your fault! you cannot help me!! *punches JJ* *walks out* *spots Pi*
Pi: you need help?
Mel: *bites Pi's kon-kon fingers*
Pi: aaahhh.....itaiiii~~~~*pain*
Mel: whhoooo caannn helllpp meeee........
Pi & JJ: *hugs each other*
I'm happy because I'm glad to know that we did well at the interview and that means our personalities are good and......... acceptable?
I'm worried because......Twins! Twins!......I'm no Twins fan! Somebody help me!
Yuu: Me! me!
Mel: *throws the mouse at Yuu*
We have to go for the finals at Runway Studio, Lot10, on 8th Sept(Sat). I have to email them a song or something telling them what Sora and I will be performing on that day!!! And it must be related to Twins!!!
The rep. said that:
1)Siti Nurkhaliza will be singing
2)Drew Barrymore will be doing some martial moves to a song
waa~~ they've already decided! and I just found out!
Worst of all....I won't be seeing Sora anytime soon....this Sat, Miracle's prac is cancelled and the event is next Sat! Arrgghhh! and it's soooo in super near to my exam period! But knowing my personality, I will go! haaha.......
1) Twins song - getting them from Sora's friend now, hopefully there's something suitable for use
2) how to practice???
3) how long should it be? the lady just told me, "not too long la.....cuz we got 10 participants"
4) do we walk the runway and dance/sing at the same time? or both are separate?
5) what should we do?.......I was thinking either dance or sing....I can't do martial arts! Sora said dance. Dance is good....since I don't know how to sing to any Twins songs!
Sigh~ just hope everything will be settled by tomorrow or Fri(no one will be working on Fri right? since it's National Day.....ok hopefully by tomorrow)
Maybe should have just said, I'm Max and Sora is JJ from DBSG! haahaa.......
or I'm Stephanie and her Lina from CSJH or me, HeeChul and her, KiBum from SJ.
haaha...might not have gotten this far if we used those since not many people know them. This time's challenge seems like fun....I like this kind of stuffs.....Just gotta bring myself there, have fun and enjoy the process! I consider this a once in a life time thing~ haahaa......Fun is the most important factor! Let's just hope it'll be heaps of fun!
Please don't make me wear something too weird or too sexy! I will just faint on the spot or even run away! Sora's worried she wouldn't fit in their clothes since they only cater for S and M size. I'm a bit worried for the both of us too! I've gained a total of 6kgs since I moved back to Malaysia!!! (I know 6 is a lot, but don't give me a weird look! It's not like I planned it.) But, we can always wear our own clothes la......I think. Won't look that ugly right?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Japanese hubby <3 山下 智久<3
I just realised I've never shared any YamaPi's pic here yet.....gomenne.(Really gomenne....for not checking after posting, didn't knew that the pics never showed up. Pi-chan gomen~~)
Pi's the oldest among my 3 hubbies *ahem* haahaa.....but look at his face! he looks so
I really his new hair style.....he get to keep his nice long fringe and yet have that cute little bush on top!! Plus the hair colour suits his skin too!
Look at Pi's cute expression~~
Aaahh~~ besides the cutesy look, Pi can also look cool......notice the similar fashion sense btw him n JJ? lol~~~
Yea babey! he also suit "funky" styles....
You'll notice that Pi normally has this long strand of fringe hair that covers his forehead and part of his nose........I feel like chopping it off!!! because it covers his beautiful face....but yea.....that's his style!
kekeke.... YamaPi has no tattoo.....but he has a belly piercing!!
Lastly, my darlings group-NEWS!
Is it just me of is Shige's(bottom row, 1st guy) specs....ermm.....a bit's like on the right side, part of the specs has lens and part of it doesn't..........
Fan letters could be sent to my darling at:
Johnnys Family Club
Miyamasu Tower B1F
Shibuya 1-10-10 Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-8550
Lastly, pic of the day~~~ my 2nd jap hubby in afro hairstyle!! Puhaahahaahaha~~~
Sunday, August 26, 2007
25.08.07 SCFIdol
Lol, Sora and I went to Runway at Lot 10 for this.......I'm not sure what to call it....something like an interview, but not exactly one. Yea, anyways.....remember last time I said while shopping in Pyramid, we had our pictures taken at the Samsung booth for the Samsung Idol Look-a-like contest? Yea, they called me and said we were selected into the top 30. So we had to go there between 10-2 today. We were asked to dress like the idol we look like.....we should dress to impress and that there'll be a judge there who will talk to us and also judge us.
While talking to the lady on the phone, I was thinking......"Sora and I look nothing like Twins!" Dress up like Twins??? We just thought of Twins because we are 2 girls.....and we could not think of any artist.
Thank goodness, Sora and I dance together and thus we have a few accessories that are similar.
So we arrived there at 10.30am, we were late! Cause we plan to be there at 10am initially....yea, we were the 3rd group there. There was a Karen Mok look-a-like lady who looks nothing like a mother of 2, following us. I was shocked when she told me she's a mum! She looks sooo young and soooo fit! Yea, once there, we registered and waited for our turn.
There's this guy, forgot his name(my short term memory!!!!!), who evaluated us. We were seated on thin comfy sofa while chatting with him. There was no camera there, but when I look up, there's a security camera there. I wondered if it's filming anything cause of the way we were seated....facing it! Yea, the guy was really cheery and easy to talk to! He asked about our personalities, talents, occupation and other stuffs. He was quite funny, there's this form where he had to fill in things about us, like are we easy-going, active...all those, and he said out what wrote. He said it's good that we are easy-going! That's nice!!
And you know what??? He asked us to go on diet!!!!!! haahaaha...........He said that if we get into top10, we have to walk this runway at their studio there and there would be lots of photographers snapping our pictures. We would have to wear their clothes, dressed up as Twins, and we have 1 minute to show our talent while walking down the runway???? I didn't really get that part. And their largest size is M! Great! I've just gained 3kgs in the past 3 wks!! Anyways, I won't go on diet either, it never works! Plus I don't think we'll be getting into top10!! It was a miracle that we even got into top30!
They had this promotion for us, for hair cuts or whatever at Runway.....50% from today till the last day of this contest. Tempting, but no time at the moment.
Lastly, we ended with a picture session. Samsung even provided every contestant with a goodie bag! They gave this nice tiny LCD clock which I really like. Small and cute! Hot water bottle, notepad and pen.
While there, I got asked 3 times if Sora and I were sisters........~No..... and the guy said, it's good both of you look alike. Do we?
After that, I followed Wayne and Sora to this Chinese TVXQ fan club gathering. My first! But a good experience. It's quite similar to other fan club gatherings. The other ppl I met there all wore red as it was the dress-code for the day. We paid RM22 for karaoke + lunch at Greenbox Sg.Wang. The lady in charge, Claire, said that if there's any extra from the bill, it'll go to the club. But I saw the fees for Saturday on the board and it costs RM20++ per I don't think there'll be much left for the club. It's for dong bang's concert er.....or for something else.
The lady in charge was really "tie xin" er....what's the word....thoughtful? For everyone who attended, there's 3, it's actually 3 pieces of laminated paper with dongbang's picture on one side and date, time, venue of today's gathering......thus it's something like a survenier!! Plus two sets of lyrics! One of dongbang's 2nd live concert-all songs included! and another one for their Japanese songs! So nice of her! Thought all these doesn't cost much money, but I still think it's very thoughtful. I joined another dongbang fan club, paid RM80 and got nothing till now!
Maybe because there's not many ppl, thus things ran a lot more smoothly, it's only their 2nd gathering. Besides the karaoke, there were also games. All prizes provided by Claire, once again it's very nice of her. She provided 7%'s postcards, bookmarks, sticker poster and the 7% yea, I know many fans would love to have 1. So we had to ask each other questions on dongbang to be able to get the prizes. Everyone's happy cause everyone got 1 prize, I got a Yunho bookmark because I was one of the last few to answer. A nice bookmark, but it's a waste for me cause I'm not specifically a big fan of Yunho(am a fan of dongbang as a whole), plus I've got plenty other bookmarks, so I gave it to Sora.
Claire asked who I like best in DBSG, I said "Also can la". Since I don't specifically read only JJ's news....but in the end I chose JJ....~My question was "What's the thing JJ wore which he never takes off?" actually I don't think the word "never take off" is right, cause I 1st thought of his nipple ring......he can't take it out himself. But, Claire said it's something you can see even with clothes "ring". Ta-da! he wears the same ring on his right hand since debut. But I think JJ changed it recently. Wayne got herself a 7% box!, Sora and I performed a horrible 2 person "U" dance for them........
It's a good experience today, I wonder how other artists fan club gatherings are like. Would love to go to a Taiwan or local artists one.
Gotta thank them for letting me join them too as I just decided to join last minute and is not a member of their forum.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tudong, tudong, tudong pics! MD 2005
Chonggie and Liz! I remember there's one funny pic of chong in tudong one.....wonder it's in whose camera! Liz looks soo cute!
From SGS to MD!!! but where am I? I'm missing!!!! I also want to take picture with everyone.....unfortunately I'm not in school for the last few days of class so missed all the photo sessions.....sorry, I was in Japan. There's more St. Georgians....why only so few in this pic??
This picture has nothing to do with me......this is a pic of chong's Socio class. Chong's class got banyak ex-sgs students......I wonder where's my class pic with Mr.......Mr......OMG.....i forgot his name!!!! What's my chemistry teacher's name?
Chong and Lina....behind is the library....and this a very good "kap chai" spot! kekeke......not for me la...........LOL ahhh...good old days!!
Leng luis- Flora, Lib, Chong, Hazel.......I missed the times when all of us have lunch together!
Chong, Nida, Katy......I just realised....banyak chong punya pics!!! I keep typing her name nia! And only 1!! 1!!! pic of myself! See......M, I'm so good to you! Help you do free promotion! Are you gonna belanja Eric-hyung here makan?
I actually watched it few days ago but got no time to spam...and now that I have time...I forgot the story except for one ..................ONE!!!!!!! very very VERY INTERESTING part!!!!! which made me scream my head off!!!! aaaaahhhhhhHHHHH!!!!!
I watched the entire epi7 raw from Sora cause the eng subbed is just too slow!!! 2 days before i watched it.....the "kepo" went to youtube and saw.............."2 HOT GUYS KISSING!!!!"
優君.......i knew you're not that bad!!! see, you're so nice to visit さの when he's sick! And what did さの do to repay you? He KISSED you!!! aaarrrrrhhhhh!!!!!!! jealous jealous jealous!!!! I want either guys!!!!! sniff!
優君 expressions were so funny.....he looked like some...."gay" haahaa......sorry! but yea...they were so cute and さの didn't even remember any part of it!
I love なかつ more and more.....and lol....these boys are all sooo unbelievable....1st a lie detector machine and next a gf detector machine!!! And those deperado without gfs.........hai~~~ esp oscar and nanba!!! will なかつ ever find out that あしや is actually a girl?
shesh!! あしや shouldn't leave at all!!! poor さの and stupid さの!!!! if you like should make her stay!!!! I wonder will they end up's ending soon right? aahh...3 more epi!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
But if my hair is all black.....perm already cannot really see it right?.....What do you think??
I think it's easier to compare with Japanese hairstyles on Japanese models.....haahaha cuz similar face shape!! LOL!!!!
I will keep my bangs.....but my hair won't be that long after perming....maybe around 2 inch shorter. How about this?
These 2 hairstyles below like quite impossible right?? I mean after you've permed your hair....can it still look that neat? Or it'll take a long time to syle?
Actually all these hairstyles above, not all of them are permed right? Some are blown that way? Is it hard to maintain hair like these? Do all the hair above look nice just because of the dyed hair? I don't want to dye my hair~....Here's a black one....'s this?
Please share some ideas or anything.......I want something that's easy to handle and won't take much time to style.
Credits Rasysa<--click!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Pictures Attack- Asakusa1
Nice drawing right? Can you see that it's actually separated into 3 parts?
See the same picture hanging up there? It's autumn thus you can see the place being decorated beautifully with fake leaves. This is the Nakamise Shopping District.
Statues at the Kaminarimon of Sensoji Temple
Back of the lattern
In front of a shop...something like 7/11 with the 1st onigiri I bought in lunch~~ :(
A ride taken outside of Hanayashiki Amusement Park.....this park has a history of more than 150 years!!!
This is park of the Shin-Nakamise Shopping District.
Look at the cute lamps!
花ざかりの君たちへep6 of the reasons why I like Japanese Drama from manga is because they're always sooo funny! And there's sooo many things that are impossible in real life but when you watch them do it, it's so funny! Like how can a small tiny van fit THAT MANY people?? and how can someone who has already came out.......come out of the van a 2nd time.....n a 3rd time!!!
and AAAAHHHH!!!! さの hugged あしや!!!! HUG ME! HUG ME!!! eeeeee......jealous!!! aaaah.....but at the same time I'm soo happy!!!! さの like her after all right? right? eeeee.....なかつ must be like....." あしや!"
Moon was right!!! 優君's part was what? 10 seconds?? haiyo!! I knew he couldn't be that bad! He was helping さの right? Right??.....he's a good guy!
Ok....I'm confused now....I think I mixed up Moon's Junpei-kun with another guy.....there's 2 guys that looked alike......or are the same person?'re Junpei is which one? I mean in the portrait with all the Ikemens in uniform one........Junpei is the one in the orange tee with blue stripes in this epi right? Then later in the epi he wore a white shirt with black sleeves right?
なかつ(Nakatsu).........nakatsu....nakatsu......NAKATSU!!!! kyakyakya~~~ Date me! date me!'re soooo cute!!..come her babe! I'll give you bread!!!
Ahhh...~~~ LOBSTER!!! delicious!!! Hungry!!! I love lobsters!!!! Prawns!!!! Seafood!!!!! aaahh~
Yes あしや.....papa is right? How can you be soo......erm.......what's that word? can you just leave Japan without completing what you went there to do initially? Don't quit halfway!
Her family went with her to Asakusa!!! aahhhh!~ I miss that place!!!! They went to Sensoji!!! and the Kaminarimon!!! If there's a chance I want to live in Asakusa!
It's true that-People will understand things better after they get in contact with them!
Also, someone you thought you don't love originally......but suddenly you will realize that you actually love that person. Love will make people mature. "Just believe in the path you had chosen for yourself" Yes....true! if you don't believe in yourself no one will!
It seems that something exciting will happen in ep7! Did さの get drunk again and kissed あしや??
Finally got to watch my epi 5!!
Scary man...I thought who came to kidnap あしや! Turned out it's the gang from dorm 2! And they're headed towards......IKEMEN PARADISE!!! What a nice name! haaha......The name really suits the beach! Cause there's really many Ikemen there!! whee~~~
Lol.....かやしま(Kayashima) 's dad is actually himself!! haaha...?I didn't realise it till Sora told me!! haaha......*ting!* And なんば先輩(Nanba)'s mummy!!!! Ooooookaaasssaaannn!!!!! So fierce man! and soooo young!!!
aaahhh~ never knew なんば先輩 would also feel that way towards someone......his true love? せんり君(Senri) also understands how he feels.......せんり君 is actually a very nice person....I wonder will he become straight in the end or continues to feel something special towards なんば先輩. Actually I think he feels respect more.
And.....IKEMEN FIGHTO!!!! 優君(Yuu)!!! You are sooo bad!! I feel like kicking your butt in this episode!!!! You are soo big meanie! But lol.....all the guys from Tokyo High are erm....all mixed! and all the guys from Osaka High are all pure Japanese.....haaahaa. The guys from Tokyo Hight are a bit scary except my 優......but yea! meanie~~~that hot sexy meanie with thick lips!
The bath scene was really funny~ How did sooo many guys appear in the bath with なかつ(Nakatsu) all of the sudden??? Oh ya...and they even have the relationship charts.....and なかつ is pointed towards あしや!!!!!! And I saw Moon's Junpei-kun! haahaa...not bad nto bad!!!!! Leng Chais all in the same bath!!!! Ooo...and this なかつ actually stood up!!!! But there's a lamp covering him.....thank goodness! aaahh~~ ikemen wrapped in small towels!!! *ting!* なかつ I'm feeling pink aura from you again!! *ting!* you are going to act very weirdly soon! haahaa なかつ is sooo handsome! I'm getting more and more attracted to him!!!
Back to 優君.....he's soooo fair!!!! Does he have any chest hair? Or did he shave? haahaa.......Lol! His team soo amazing man! How can he possible know what's the song when the song haven't even start playing! I suspect some form of foul play!
ゆうま(Yuuma)?? That's Tennouji's real name right? Yeah.......He's sooo cute!!!! adorable! that cute face of his is sooo adorable! Everyone went to attract leng luis and he turned up with a cute granny and even danced with her!!!
The Balance Fight was soo unbelievable!!! How can you fall....and fly back onto the board again??
The award goes to Oscar!!! who didn't manage to attract any girls....but at least he helped them won by eating lots of Gyouza!! I wanna eat too.....I love gyouzas!!!! Ooooooooiiiiiiissshhhiiiiii naaaaa! His acting skills also good la.....has to act all those weird things out!
Flirting show down!!! Flirt babe!!! Can't believe all the other guys are sooo lousy at flirting......Well at least Nanba managed to get almost half the girls at the beach! And....ahhhh the Tokyo High team had to go home naked!!! This drama really has lots of fan service!! 優君........haahaaa lol! Thank you Fuji TV!!!! Jumbo!
Now I know why those 3 guys are the dorm heads! haahaa.....they were the only 3 guys who managed to win!!!
Those stupid athlete team members!!! How could they do they to さの先輩(Sano)?? I'm actually touched by さの....that he's now working sooo hard!!! way harder than anyone of those idiots in the team!!! and he actually begged those losers who were afraid of losing their place in the team??? Hoi~~ *kicks everyone in the team* Still 将生君(Masaki) is a really good friend to さの!
将生君 could you be younger than me and yet be soo tall and hot??? Your face is really very handsome and cute....thus no matter what funny hairstyle you look good too!
In this episode I feel that さの is starting to feel something towards あしや.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Seito Shokun ep5
I hate hate hate hate hate 3TD!!! They shall rot in their own hatred towards the world till they die!!! YES.....BREAK UP!!!
Protect Class 2-3?? puahaahaa.....don't make me laugh my head off! What have you done to protect the class? By making your classmates go against their will? By following your orders? To make everyone suck up to you guys? shesh!
Class 2-3 is a class of cowards who are listening to orders from a bunch of ........even more coward people who needs to seek help from a professional psychologist!
Just cause you're tall and have blond hair, you think you can beat anyone you like in the class.........thinking that you are protecting them? How is beating up someone.......called protecting them? At least you are learning from your mistakes!! I can't wait to see your changed self! Don't make me hate your handsome face!
Another one is the thin, shorty boy with evil looking eyes! You're even shorter than the girl man! So don't talk! *confiscates all his lolli-pops*
The leader is a girl who has serious mental problem! The oldest but the sickest person in class! (by sick, I didn't mean her health) People look up to you because your the oldest and ...........aarrgghhh!!! *pulls hair* Of course it's your hatred that's making you do all the hateful things la....if not what? that's why you need to change tooo!!! CHANGE!!!! look good as a guy! heehee........
oh ya....and have to agree with moon, the teacher a bit scary! haaha...she always laugh out loud to herself when she's alone....even when she's mopping the floor! haahaa......I do that sometime....but not that loud and not as often as hers! lol
sigh....waiting for 花君 ep5~
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Seito Shokun ep2,3&4
I'm sooo SMART!!! wakakaa..... I knew 奏多, 将生 and まきちゃん were the 3TD!!! These 3 are sooo.......notorious!! How can you just push someone down the stairs??? Evil~~~
But not as evil as the stupid sensei who left everyone in the jungle!! Curses!!! *Mojo-style* How can you be soooo ugh~ there's no word to describe a monster like him man!
優君's character is sooo thick faced! Whenever the pretty english teacher said it out loud that she wished for the next teacher to be a handsome man........he will say that "he is!" Yes! my dear 優 I already know that you are very handsome and sexy!!! haahaa......:D
This drama ah....kek hei ah!!! all the students either blind or dunno what! I'm on the teacher's side even though she's a bit too persistent at times and hard headed.
I hope the storyline will be better soon.....or else I will hate the characters man! Every time i look at 奏多君(Kanata) and まきちゃん(Maki)...i feel like punching them! Esp....奏多君!~Hello! It's soo rude to throw things at the teacher!!!
oooo....and the cards she used as a teaching material in epi4....i have them!!! haaha...... well they belong to RH actually and then she passed them on to me to figure out how they work......
The actor for Shirai Naoki looks very familiar!~ I feel like I've seen him from he a singer? or did he act in Nobuta?
This class also a bit funny one...if you miss your friends why didn't you just persuade them to come back to the school?? Weird one...and the whole time this Naoki-kun locked himself up in his room did any friends went to his house to visit him??
I hate 3TD man! I also hate Juria, まきちゃん's character!!! I hope got new epi of 花君 I can like her again....haahaa
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Seito Shokun ep1
The 1st epi seems nice! I like dramas about student-teacher relationships! Not love.....but care! So nice! Love Gokusen too! This 1st epi seems a bit like Gokusen to me because this "special" class is the 1st class this newly graduated teacher is going to teach! haaha.....And it involes a class of students who have lost faith in teachers and adults!
I like "dedicated" teachers! A teacher who talks and discuss things with her/his students and treat them like friends!
I wish I had a gym teacher like 優!!! But er....why my 優's character soo funny one! He's like always.....nervous? shaking? and his actions are soo funny! He definitely suits to be a gym teacher because....HE LOOKS HOT IN THE UNIFORM!!! wakakaa..................
Credits: 城田優 Official Blog
本郷 奏多(Hongō Kanata) is the class rep of class 2-3. I realised that the character he plays now is similar to his character in PoT....both also cool cool one! I introduced him one night at my house to Sora......well let's just say I didn't expect her to really go crazy on him! 奏多君 is now her little Japanese lover so I cannot child abuse him now........sad~~~ Should have kept him to myself if i knew he was her type! haahaa lol!
Anyways this cute little boy has a blog too!! which I will be stealing pictures from! haaha.....He may be young but he's got talent and is smart! Plus he's tall for his age!
ほ っといてよ!Credits: Kanata@his official blog
ん ん゛ーー!
ご ちゃごちゃ
う るさいなぁ。
か に刺されて
な いただけだって!
た だ単に。
See what this little boy has written! He was complaining about the mosquito...making noises....telling it to keep quiet.....and the whole passage actually spells his name out! SMART EH!!
Yea...but stupid 奏多 is soo naughty in this drama!!! *whacks him*
岡田将生(おかだ まさき)!!! he looks better in 花君! Another naughty boy!! I'm not attracted to him at all in this epi!
Students from Class 3D from Gokusen are naughty....but this class 2-3 is creepy! All that dark aura!
3DT's members are 奏多, 将生 and まきちゃん????
Modern 演歌 - 関ジャニ∞
Naniwa Iroha Bushi(浪花いろは節) by Kanjani8 (関ジャニ∞).........which was a their 1st single .....released on August 25, 2004. I've heard the song several times at NHK I think but I didn't know it was by 関ジャニ∞ till today! I'm sooo slow~~~
Yea, introducing this song because I like it! Sounds sooo fun! Made me feel like buying a traditional drum home!
Also because 渋谷すばる(Shibutani Subaru) voice is sooo nice! I was watching Music Station today and I was like "Wa.....his voice is nice!" Yea so when I watched this song for the 1st time, I was kinda shock! haaha....cause 錦戸亮(Nishikido Ryo) .......ryo-ryo chan! was singing 演歌!
Plus 内 博貴 (Uchi Hiroki) was in the MV too! Missed him! Still can't believe Johnny's dropped him and 草野博紀 (Hironori Kusano)! It's just drinking! Come on, who doesn't drink? I know they're celebrities and all.....big deal!
Look at my Kim Jae Joong....1) under aged drinking, 2) smoking, 3) Driving under influence......and he's still singing happily in Japan!
Ooo...talking about smoking......加護 亜依, (Kago Ai)of W/Mini Moni/Morning Musume got suspended because the legal age for smoking in Japan is 20 and she's only 18! Arrrrgghh~~~ I like her sooo much! I love W! And now.....there won't be a W anymore!! because Hello! Project dropped her PERMANENTLY!Maybe she's too stress and needed a puff or two? Plus so what if there's a picture of her with an older man? She needs to date too right? HMPH!
矢口 真里 (Mari Yaguchi) too left Morning Musume when there were rumours of her dating Oguri Shun in 2005! At least, she's now active again! It seems Shun has a new GF!! BAD Shun!!
Johnny and Hello! Project are sooo strict! I like the fact that they are strict! But this is too strict! I mean to kick a person and from then on disappear from the entertainment industry...... :(
Mel: *kicks JJ*
JJ: Hey!! Y did u do tat for?
Mel: So that you will take the right path!! I don't want u to disappear too! *cries*
JJ: I won't! I promise I'll be good! *hugs Mel*
Ok....i'm going out of topic! Back to the song!
Yea....forgot to introduce the MV haahaa.....
What was I going to say?...Oh! listen to すばる's nice voice!
Naniwa Iroha Bushi (lyrics)
yoitoko sassano yoisassa
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
iroha ni ho he to chirinuru o
wakayotareso tsunenaramu
ui no okuyama kehukoete
asakiyumemishi eimosesu n
naniwa tomo are wa ni natte
kokoro ukiuki odorimashou
ano hito mo kono hito mo
hana no naniwa no iroha bushi!
iugago toki kono yo no tanoshimi mo
sugu ni chitteshimau
hito no yo no utsurikawari o
dare ga to domerareyou ka
naniwa nandemo megemasen
acchi tatereba kocchi tatazu
otsutome mainichi gokurousan
naniwa konjou dokonjou!
yoitoko sassano yoisassa
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
iroha ni ho he to chirinuru o
wakayotareso tsunenaramu
ui no okuyama kehukoete
asakiyumemishi eimosesu n
naniwa nakutomo sora miage
warai tobashite ikimashou
shiawase san tondekuru
warau kado ni wa huku ga kuru!
mayoi to kurushimi no yamayama wo
ima koehatete
sude ni asa wa kana yume mizu
kairaku ni oboremosezu
naniwa tomo are ikitemasu
minnasan no ai ni ikasarete
arigato san kansha shite
naniwa honma ni sukiyanen!
yoitoko sassano yoisassa
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
iro wa nioedo chirinuru wo
waga yo dare zo tsune naramu
ui no okuyama kyo ukoete
asaki yumemishi eimosezu
iroha ni ho he to chirinuru o
wakayotareso tsunenaramu
ui no okuyama kehukoete
asakiyumemishi eimosesu n
iugago toki kono yo no tanoshimi mo
sugu ni chitteshimau
hito no yo no utsurikawari o
dare ga to domerareyou ka
yoitoko sassano yoisassa
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
haa enyakoraseno dokkoise!
mayoi to kurushimi no yamayama wo
ima koehatete
sude ni asa wa kana yume mizu
kairaku ni oboremosezu
iroha ni ho he to chirinuru o
wakayotareso tsunenaramu
ui no okuyama kehukoete
asakiyumemishi eimosesu n
Credits: eighters8@youtube, Johnny_JrFans2004
Saturday, August 4, 2007
72..Osaka High School...74....Oh yeah baby!!....76.....Welcome to my blog!
hohoho......*Oscar style*
石垣佑磨 (いしがき ゆうま) who acts asてんのうじ
I swear the guy who acted as Oscar will have sore throat after every scene man! His voice is sooo...........high pitched, scary and every time i listen to him.......i shiver! But have to give him credits's not easy to act his part! Especially since he has to make all those funny voices and weird motions together with his funny voice! lol...his lion hairstyle and those horse heads!!!
優君took a picture wearing one of those horse heads too!
岡田将生(おかだ まさき)who acts as Sekime changed his hairstyle in this epi.....almost didn't recognise him! He still looks good though.....and yes! Cosplay!! What a way to win a girl's heart!
Credits: 石垣佑磨 official site, 城田優 official blog
Yea...優 is sooo bad to さの!! But i have a feeling he's doing all that to make さの angry so that he will join the nationals again! My 優 can't be that bad right? His character has such a long name la....cannot remember!
せんり: Intercept! Intercept! Intercept!!!
I still can't believe せんり's actor 木村了 (きむら りょう) acted in Dance Drill! Didn't recognise him! But anyways he's only guest actor there. Btw, "dance drill" is a nice japanese drama too! It's about cheer leading and friendships. If you're a fan of まっす
I'm glad that さの君 is working out to improve his body conditions for the nationals!! がんばって!ファイト!オー!(Fighto! Oh!)
Friday, August 3, 2007
kekee...soo good to see まきちゃん in a dress! I like the dress she wore! And lol...even when she's dressed up as a girl, she stands and walks like a guy!
しゅん君 looks sooo good when he smiles! He should smile more! So sexy! and his body looks sooo hot....long and lanky!!! Cannot spam too much about him cause he belongs to moon....but then i can fantasize about him right!!??? hohhoho~~~~ ゆう looks sooo sexy in his school uniform! His attitude is sooo cool and gangster-ish? But i like! hot hot hot! Poor you~~ when only will you have more screen time?

Credits : 城田優 Official Blog
A lie detector machine???(笑) who ever tot this up man!!! poor なかつ(Nakatsu) and まきちゃん!!
せきめ(Sakime) hass sooo little scenes!!! just like my ゆう. At least せきめ got more!
And かやしま(Kayashima) is sooo adorable!!
なかつ: What would you do if I was gay?
かやしま: I would change rooms!!
haahaa......initially I tot he was gay cause he was soooo nice to なかつ......turns out they're room mates!
I really like the part near the end where the Blossom High girls were searching for missing bras and underwears in Osaka High's dorms....and the Karate group from dorm one actually took off their shirt and did this adorable cheer!! I'm starting to like the Dorm 1 leader too!!
Ooo...talking about ending! NANBA SENPAI!!!! WHY ARE U IN A BRA!!!??? *faints*
Thursday, August 2, 2007
花ざかりの君たちへ ep2
The dorm 3 leader- Oscar is soo creepy man. I thought which witch was laughing…..manatau it’s him! Actually てんのうじ(Tennouji) played by いしがき ゆうま is also very good looking! And Oscar… just plain weird!! Satan….wakakaa.
Lol….when さの gets drunk he grabs anyone and kisses them!!! Practically everyone in dorm 2!!! Aahh…..I wanna kiss him too~~~ haaha….I thought he had fainted after あしや slapped him, but no…..he fell asleep!! N his kiss with なかつ!!!! *faints* I’m going crazy!! He looks sooo good even when he’s sleeping!
Mooo…..なかつ(Nakatsu)~~~ pink aura?? I love pink!!! Haaha….it’s soo funny when a guy who is straight suddenly thinks he has turned gay! Plus his imagination is sooo wild! Waaa…..I wanna bring him home!! If you have someone like him around you, you’ll never be bored! Toma is really good…..he portrays the character sooo well! His facial expressions~~~~ aahhh *pinch pinch* His face looks like Teppei-kun!! Are they related in anyway???
あしや(Ashiya) looks soo pretty in the pink dress!! I want a replica of it!! Love the hair too!!! Looks soo princess-like! さの(Sano)….do u feel anything? I know なかつ is feeling it! Hahaaa…pink aura face! ……….Still can’t believe they gave an LCD TV to the dog man!
I’m starting to like the せきめ(Sakime) guy….andかやしま(Kayashima) guy!
<33333>my #2 japanese hubby-しろたゆうfinally appeared!!! He looks amazing! Love his hair!!! How did they style his hair?? I wanna learn!!! Love the red track suit! But his attitude is so grrr….how can you talk that way to さの. So rude!!......((reminds self): …he’s only acting….) Can’t wait to see more of him!!!
Credits: 城田優 Official Blog
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
花ざかりの君たちへ ep1
うれしい!!! Finally got to watch 花君!!! whee~~~ attack of the handsome school boys in uniforms!
The characters he play are normally cool cool one! But i like!!! suite his face! His features are so beautiful!
とまくん(Toma)sooo adorable!!! haaha.....he's like this time bomb that can explode anytime!
ゆうくん(Yuu Shirota) is not in the episode! :( I can't wait to see him in that uniform!!!)
まきちゃん(Hirokita Maki) She looks soo cute in short hair! She's soo lucky....get to act alongside しゅん & ゆう! Not to mention Pi too!!! I've never read the manga so I don't know if she played the character well....but from my point of view, she's good!!Nanba(Mizushima Hiro)'s hair looked soo funny......that womanizer!! lol did he just wore a leopard print towel?
Yamamoto Yusuke looks sooo good!!!(the guy whom まきちゃん thought was a a ghost)hahaa....his hair is so nice!
The Sekime(Okada Masaki) guy looks handsome too!!!
And all the topless guys!!! セクシー!!!
Meaningful phrases:
"Hardwork and efforts will definitely be rewarded"
"If you give up the most important thing in your life, you will loose yourself gradually"
"A person who can lie to self is lonely and agonising"
"Believe in yourself!"
1st epi sooo nice!!!! must buy the drama man!!!
Mel: 一生に結婚しましょう!(Let's get married!)
しゅん: えっと。。。*scratches head* (errr....)
At the same time, Pi: へー。。。ナニ!!!(eehh....WHAT?)
ゆう: 結婚!!what? ....*angry*(marriage??....what?)
Pi: ggrrrrr*makes wierd face* *grabs baseball bat*
Mel: じ...じょう。。冗談。。です。。。。(I...I'm only ki...dding)
Pi & ゆう: 冗談じゃないよ!!!! (THIS IS NO JOKE!)
Mel:hehe.... :(