Yea, the performance song was "Pinky" and the opening featured a guy in super long tux with a cap! I could not see his face but looking at his height(Jin is definitely one of the tallest in Johnnys)......haaha and when he started singing and I saw his lips(Sexyy~~~)....AKANISHI JIN! waaaa.....superb performance. I like it~~ thought I didn't really like his suit! Why can't he just wear a proper tux??? and....omg WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YO YOUR HAIR, BAKANISHI!!!! Yes, you cut it short(it's still long) looks like a weird bush.....and Jin, please change your hairstyle!
So I tried browsing youtube for that performance clip but I couldn't find it. Instead, I found a concert performance clip on the same song and in the same tux.....DVD ripped!!! I prefer the Shounen Club version compared to this concert version, though Jin's hair looked better here. His voice in Shounen Club seems less "electronised"....maybe because it's concert, so they want the effects to be better. Also, the Shounen Club one has more close up of Jin!!
Jin's english is definitely good. At least for this song, I had no problem understanding him at all and his pronounciation is pretty good.
Oh ya, don't forget to check the "hot girl" ending! Don't get shocked!
Also, I just found out that Hey Say 7 will sing the theme song for an anime when I watched Music Station last week........Initially I got a shock, I thought they graduated as in they're no longer Juniors......It's not a bad thing, but I feel they are many others who should debut first...some have been training for super long!!! They're too young to graduate anyways.
Hey Say 7's is not bad, considering their age! Plus they're super kawaii!!! even in cool clothes, they look kawaii!!
Yea, my personal few favourites out of all the juniors are Yamada Ryousuke(Hey Say 7), Yamashita Shoon, Yaotome and Yabu(Ya-ya-yah), Tai-chan(kiss-my-ft2). Johnny's seriously have too many juniors....I can only remember a few of them properly.
Bonus!!! Pi &Jin.....belly piercings! haaha.....
haaha....wanted to upgrade Jin as hubby.....*in process*
Credits: youtube, yumi1990, cutieflowergurl
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