Though Sora and I didn't win, it was a fun event! We did end up with a goodie bag! Although we have no need of the things in the goodie bag! We have spa, makeup, hairdo, cocktail vouchers.......p/s anyone in need of a Samsung Bluetooth Headset WEP200?
Siti Nurkhaliza had sooo many supporters! Almost half the audience are her friends. She sings really well too! I heard she appeared a few times on National Television! Matthew Fox was amaxing! His acting skills....superb! Plus the bruise make-up artist painted on his face....yeng!!! Aya Ueto is super cool! She looked really young and I got a huge shock when she told me that she's 29! Although her idol is a japanese, she performed a nice chinese song for us. Drew Barrymore can really kick butt! She's a TaeKwonDo black belt! There's also Halle Berry....who is SEXY! Her performance was "Bond pose" and she even had a gun with her!!! Fake one.....
Then there's Lee Hom....who's er....haahaa shaved his head. I remember the hairstylist asking if he wants hair extensions! haaha....Nonetheless he gave a great performance! Ooo..and there's a very handsome Jay Chou! who shocked us with his age too......He sang well and the MC said his personality resembles Jay Chou....shy and quiet!
Sora: how old are u? surely small boy!
Jay Chou: you guess lo...
Sora: 19?(I think that's what she said)
Jay Chou: I must belanja you makan......28!
Sora: ^_^!!!!
Then there's the super hot and sexy mother of 2, Karen Mok! She was sooo sexy that day! Yea imitated Karen's poses for her performance. She's almost 40 but she looks like 23! Lastly there's Fasha Sandha who did belly dancing!! Yup.....that's all.
Both Aya Ueto and Jay Chou are graduates from One Academy and both looked like 19/20 when they are actually 28/29!!! Does all design students look that young? or only from One Academy? Man....I should switch course!

Left! As you can see from the clock in the background, these pics were taken approximately 9 hours after the make-up was applied! and they stayed on well....even after all that sweating!

Right! I can't open my eyes fully the whole day due to the fake eyelashes...I think there's too much I can't exactly open my eyes comfortably especially the right one. Sora said that I look better when my eyes are that way.....^_^!!!

Right again! haahaa....

Sora's hair......where's my hair one sora....?
Sora's pic taken at Runway.....looks very nice! Nice and fresh make-up! the lighting there is the Sora's make up looks very nice! Her eye make up is lovely and the colour is very very nice!
Twins.......the MC was funny....he asked if we are imitating Twins from HK or the Twin Towers of Malaysia! haaha.....during prize giving ceremony, he also joked that we should join "Chan Hou Yat Ting"(a contest originally form HK) saying that we can earn lots of money. haaha....we are planning....but with Miracle!!!


Me! can you see that my hair is actually a bob? I look like I'm from 70s or 80s....

Last one!

Sorry there's no actual live video of the dance at Runway.....heehee....I forgot I had my camera with me!!!!!! arrgghhh~~~~~ so stupid!! I only realised I had my camera in my bag while in the car...on the way home!!! Yea....and I remembered Lina asked to record the dance for we recorded ourselves once we reached home! Due to limited space, you can see us crowding together and me disappearing from the screen........can also hear my mum and aunt talking in the back ground.
Let me introduce to you.....the "Let's kill that mosquito!!!" dance!It's very effective! you can kill at least 10 mosquito with every session! (Don't mind my laugh half-way through the dance because Sora got lost and I saw her expression so....bwahahaaha)
Ok la...not that bad, though the video quality is bad due to bad lightings! Considering the fact that we only practiced the dance for around 2 hours(around 8pm to 10pm)the night before the event. We didn't copy any steps from Twins.....all choreographed by us.....except for the fact that I stole 2 set of 8 from BoA's Id Peace B for our chorus. heeehee....and the song.....remixed by my sis-in-law! You don't know who ah? .....Lina lo.....
If you're wondering what we're doing in the beginning....(limited space) We were supposed to be walking when the bell rang and we realised we're late for class......we then ran to the class and tip-toed in before we were caught by the teacher and we greeted everyone! Then comes the dance....and those hands waving in the air and claps are supposed to be used for crowd interactions......
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