Sigh~ since the earthquake in Sichuan, tremors were felt in several countries including Thailand. And recently, earthquakes have also been recorded in Sabah and Sumatra. According to The Star & Yahoo News-Malaysia slight tremors were felt in KL on 19th. I must've been sleeping like a pig because I didn't feel anything. But Thank Goodness!!!!!
Last night I had this weird dream...or was it this morning right before I woke up. I dreamed about the people I met in IIP and we were having a meal at someplace. Then I saw myself buying DVD??? It's weird because after that I dreamed about my dad telling me that he had already watched the movie and that it's really scary.I then got scared and wondered if I should watch it.
And I must've watched the movie or something because there was blood....lots of it! It must've been a horror film about some murderer? There's a man using those electric powered saw and he killed a woman using running it through her neck. The man was smilling and I could see his teeth......his whole faced was stained with blood. Blood splattered everywhere as the woman screamed! ...and there was this young boy...I can't remember if he was screaming or after witnessing that.
I then woke up and stared at my table wondering where's the DVD......closed my eyes.......tried to go back to sleep.....and then realised I need to pee!! haahaha........
Why do I always get weird dreams like 1) attempting a difficult maths question with Xiah Jun Su!! the night right before my Further Maths test!
2) getting chased by an crocodile the night right after Thaminy told me that, "Indians believed that if you get chased by animals in your dream, you should let it bite you." She then asked if I let it bite me....."No la!!!! I ran like a mad woman in my dream!!!!!"
3) of my most frequent dreams.....running here and there, running errands. Is my life sooo hectic that I can't even rest in my dreams?? And after all that imaginary running, I'll be feeling tired the next day! haaha......
I had been wondering if there's any organization that collects clothes/ stationaries for Myanmar or Sichuan since the day Sora talked about the donations. Then it so happens that my neighbours' church group is collecting clothes. Anyone interested in donating clothes/ blankets???.
Here are some more pics from the old lappie which I forgot to include in my posts on IIP.
3 puzzles which taught us the importance of teamwork and also working among teams

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