To lucky fans....Zettai Kareshi have been made into DRAMA!!! It's been airing in Japan since 14th of April!

Just watched the 1st epi today...ahhh!! Night(Hayami Mokomichi) is sooo cute! Imagine there's this robot who's supposedly your ideal bf and he's there telling you all the things you ever want to hear from a guy.....but you know he's only saying those things because he's programmed to and he even admits it!!! Ah...I will feel super "lam" and upset at the same time!!
I really like Night-o, soo adorable.....and he always smile sooo brightly at Riiko...JEALOUS!!
Lol....imagine you're ideal bf is like Night:
1) cooks amazingly delicious meals....and washes the dishes
2) always there when you need help
3) looks sexy while exercising(by spraying water on himself~)
hahaa....*nose bleed*
4) super caring
5) will not take a 2nd look at other girls
Another actor i水嶋ヒロ(Mizushima Hiro) from Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi e, the handsome dorm 2 leader!!!

Real guy Soshi(Mizushima Hiro):
1) caring
2) takes care of you from afar
3) nostalgic guy
ee....I like both Night-o and Soshi....cannot pick one la! I hope the ending is not sad like the manga!! I don't want to see Night-o go......but I don't want to see Soshi get hurt too!! How? how??
haaha, anyways this drama is really nice! Give it a try when you're free.....HERE!!!!
credits: asianaddictions-Jdrama
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