Back to uni for bench work tomorrow......hope my babies are well.....gonne produce another batch tomorrow.
Last Friday
1. Too many students wanting to use the autoclave
2. Too many samples
3. No chance for my nutrient agar....
4. Waited too long....
5. ....that it was past the initial time of my booking for the laminar flow.....
Went out for lunch with the "seawitch" and "sheep" Shakey's Pizza. I've never tried it before. Heard from my dad that it used to be quite famous in the 80s???
Yea....anyways it was disappointing...

Cheesy chicken pizza....not cheesy at all, could hardly taste the cheese. I love cheese, and I think this pizza should me called, "Capsicum less cheese pizza".
The world's "saddest" lasagne. It's actually very small in size, just slightly bigger than my mobile fon, and also just slightly thicker.....
Anyways, it's the worst lasagne I've ever had.....the 1st one that they served us had a hard, solid, charcoal burned bottom......the second was ok, but still....sad.
I love lasagne with many layers, melted cheese, and sauce that oozes when you poke it.
Yea, and back to lab work. I was slightly irritated in the morning when I started because someone accused me of loosing some lab apparatus. It's cuz a few of us under the same lecturer decided to share the same box to store all apparatus borrowed by us so that we can share them. But it seems some went missing the morning I opnened it, so I was asking where is it when a guy suddenly said something like, "you all use already never put back into the box, simply put and I even found one that day near the sink, unwashed." He doesn't have to repeat the same thing to me several times!!!
I'm the one who should be upset where because I'm the one who needs it at that moment and I'm being accused for things I never did! I assure you that so far, SL and I has washed and put back every single thing we have used!!!
Then when I wanna use the plastic basket, he said, "Make sure you return it to its original place, I've already lost one yesterday."
"I didn't come to lab yesterday!!!"
Seriously, if the things got lost, you think I won't be upset??? We have to pay for them, you know?
Something must not be right last friday because several friends got scolded for no apparent reason too. 1 batch got scolded for samples which are not theirs??? 2nd batch got accused by someone for talking bad about the person when they don't even know her???
My trip home was HORRIBLE too!!! Left the lab at 5.00PM and reached home at 8.00PM!!!!!
3 HOURS.....
.........3 HOURS!!!!
I got stuck in a really horrible jam. Gave dad a call at 5.55 to tell him I'll be late and that I've only travelled less than 10km! At 6.30, a police car zoomed past, I've only travelled 4km! At 7.30, another police car zoomed past. Still stuck in jam!!!
I've found a new hobby while being stuck in traffic - snapping pictures! I wanted to take nice sceneries but what I got instead are pictures of all the car who CUT into my lane!!! haaha....
All other drivers I passed by looked super dull, bored and had this desperate/ frustrated look.
Thankgoodness my poppin' class got cancelled, or else I might not have gone anyways, and needed to do another replacement.
I hope it doesn't happen again......but I'm thinkin if I should stop my poppin class after this month because I really couldn't find time to replacements.....I didn't even get to replace 2 of my last month's class!
BoA = Best of Asia = Bring on America???? I love BoA and all her works....but to be No.1 in America with "Eat you up".......I'm not so sure......but I think this will top the Oricon chart!
Plus the American version isn't even out yet!!!! This is the Asian version by Avex.....
All the best to BoA!!!
Personally, I like the song and the choreograhpy.....yes, esp the choreography! I think it's very nice, powerful and cool! I love BoA!!!!
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