Hai~hai~ finished plating my soil samples and went back to uni today to check on them. Eventhough it's only been 2 days, I had to make sure my babies are growing well....
They're still....not growing very well, many of my babies aren't even visible yet...I hope they'll turn out ok eventually! I don't want to re-do it again. Plus it seems that something weird is growing on one of my plates! I hope the contamination isn't too great.
There's actually a lot to learn from this fyp, because we have to do everything single thing on our own and get ready everything we want to use by ourselves.
The lab I'm in stinks most of the time because of all the nutrient broth/agar/medium and also all the samples-soil/vegetation/squid and prawns.....and yes esp. the latter.
Was early one morning and wore my lab coat outside the lab when I smelled something stinky and I thought it's from my lab coat so I kept sniffing my lab coat and thought, "Gosh, where did this smell come from? I didn't do anything to my lab coat." I then took it off and headed towards the cafeteria.
Came back with Ursula and found out that she placed her samples outside the lab. Once in the lab....oooff...stinky!!! Then I realised it's not from lab coat but her samples! Squids and prawns.....allowed to rot? And everytime someone enters our lab, they'll be like, "Wahhh...this lab stinks ah?" or "Hhaa what's that smell? Where is it coming from?" haaha.....
Then at the back of the lab, it's a whole different smell again....where all the students are preparing their own different media. I really don't like the smell of all the media.....
Also, as you enter different labs eg. the autoclave room or whatever, you get different smells. All the toxicants we are inhaling......boohoo~
The thing is....when you're working in a lab, you're never short of SCENTS!
I guess it's the same too in a medical lab, esp urine.....
Plus, it's worst when you are not MADE for lab work, or MADE for latex gloves??? haaha.....
Once I took off my gloves on Monday.....numerous tiny red bumps that itch like mad and dries up the skin!!!

Bad lighting, cannot really see the bumps here.
The good thing is that they diminish and become less itchy in 2 days.......the bad news is......I go back to the lab every 2 days!!!!
Hiphop class is now separated into 3 different categories: Foundation, Girl's hiphop and New School??? I think it's called new school or is it the more advanced level??? for both boys and girls??? because you can't expect a guy to join girl's hiphop right? A bit confusing there.....but since Z said we can stay at out normal slot, which is the slot for New school......then ok lo. No need to chance time, which is good for me!
I don't mind to take either, as long as it's not foundation. Poppin' is already very technical for me. It seems there's not much improvement for me because I'm too lazy to prac.....I seriously never prac at home and I only dance in class......should I quit?
Hai~ spent 4 months of poppin' with several useless people. Then 4 months with a Pro, where I did learn more, but I guess I'm not a good freestyler.
I guess I cannot do very technical things because I really am very lazy, I need things which once you do it, can be remembered easily and is reproducible......haahaa......and not something which requires lots of practice. haaha......really BAD! gotta change this BAD attitude and thinking! or else, I'm never gonna go far~~~
Besides harming my skin, the gloves are also destroying my nails.....I painted my nails pink and now bits and pieces have already chipped off!
sigh......thesis! jobs!.......haa~~~~
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