Sunday, October 26, 2008


My babies ahhh....why aren't you growing the way I wanted you to?

So naughty! and not giving me good results....

I thought I was gonna cry after I finished all my Gram stains only to find that all I got are Gram negative rods and a few coccus. How is it possible that I didn't even get any Gram positive??? Is there something wrong with the crystal violet?

I do feel that Gram staining is all about experience, when I tried it in class, it wasn't very good.
And when I did the first few stains, they didn't look too nice too....but after several more tries, I became better at manipulating the time for each dyes and they turn out better. But Gram positive bact!!!!

Decided to a KOH test and the results were all negative too!!!!! OMG!!!! How is this possible??? Gram negative bacteria are supposed to give a positive result!!! Crap!!!! my results are soo misleading!!!

And there's no one to ask.......who can help me?

My subcultures are now aging since its already been a week, but I'm reluctant to de-con them yet because I still think there's something I could do, to produce something. Just wait till I find out what's the problem!!! eeeee.....Help!

I need to consult and expert.........aaaahhhh~~~~

Had 2 birthday celebrations this week.

1 for Yen and Waipeik at Canteen's cafeteria.....early in the morning! haaha......

When you have your Bday celebration in uni, you know it's gonna be a messy one.

I can't wait to see the pictures I took......I'm not a very good camera person as every one's actions were too fast for me and there were lots of candid shots.

Happy Bday to Yen & Waipeik!
2nd one was for Suki.....

The planning for the surprise party was a bit rough....haaha....SM, PM and I left the class sooo hastily after it was over and Z asked everyone to do push-ups to keep them there.

Happy Bday to Suki!


Met up with the girls on's been quite some time since we've met and ahhh~~~ everyone's sooo pretty!!! haahaa......didn't get to see Rue, but I'm sure she's getting pretty and prettier too!

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