As the apartment that we had been living in was having some mold problem in the closet due to a problem with the water proofing of the wall on the closet side, we had decided to search for a new apartment.
The mold was a problem that we had for several months, but we did not know that the wall's waterproofing had a problem. The first time I found mold was in winter and I thought that it was from the moisture that had built up in a room that had the hot conditioner turned on. I cleaned it and discovered it again a few months later. Cleaned it once more and decided to monitor it.
It came back.
Also in that few months, we noticed some spots on the bedroom floor that could not be removed no matter how we tried. So we called the landlord. He came immediately on the same day and said that he will get the contractors to come.
They came 1-1.5 months later and said that the wall needs to be waterproofed because every time when it rains, water seeps into the wall and into the apartment.
We waited for about 3 months for them to come fix it but there was no news and we decided to move because it was not healthy to be living in a room with mold.
On the weekend, we had lunch at Ippudo because we wanted to check out the nearby area at the station nearby as we were apartment hunting. We wanted to see how the route to the station is like and also how noisy the area would be being close.
Ippudo is always nice because I like their flavourful tonkotsu soup base and the thin noodles.
I also like that they provide a small plate of spicy bean sprouts as condiment to the ramen.

We spotted a few areas near the station that seemed like a good spot but unfortunately, they were not when we examine the area in person.
1. The area behind the station was within 10 mins walk but the area was hilly and prone to floods. Also, there is not proper walkways, so humans walk on the same paths as the cars which is dangerous at night and when it rains. Also, because of the hills, which were pretty steep, it would be hard to walk to work in heels.
2. The area to the right of the station was also within 10 mins, but there was no straight path to the station due to the train tracks. We had to cross a very tall and long pedestrian bridge, which is next to a popular highway. While the apartment building looks pretty and new on the outside, it was facing the tracks. Also, the apartment that was available for rent, was at the same height as the track where the shinkansen would pass, so I assume that it would be very noisy.
As there was no supermarket along the way, the only place to get groceries would be at the station. Not very convenient.
Also, interestingly. on the way there, we had to pass by several love hotels.

The next day, we stopped by Asobuild, on our way to meet the agent.
We went there for ramen at 横濱丿貫.
J had the nigoshi, which was good. A flavour that we had a few times now.
Meanwhile, I had the green chilli version, which I assumed would not be spicy but I was sooo wrong. This has to be one of the spiciest dish I had in Japan!
Asobuild is interesting, here are many restaurants there that were all busy. There also seems to some area for workshops and exhibitions. It feels like a place that is popular with the younger crowd.
Anyways, the agent that we went to was a total fail. They probably never had experience with foreigners before. He introduced us several apartments based on our requirements and I asked him if they allow foreigners and to check with the owners. So he called the owners to check and all of them answered that they do not accept foreigners. He felt nervous and told us that, 'Japanese are not racists'.
I told him that I am used to it, as I have been through this process before and smiled.
Other foreigners who live in Japan will understand the struggle of trying to rent an apartment in Japan.
In the end, we ended the discussion and we felt like they probably might not have a apartment that would accept foreigners because the agent did not seem to know that he will need to check with the owners first or that there are 'foreigners ok' apartment.
Ending the post with some random makan from a busy month of work and apartment hunting.
This here is where I stopped by for lunch one day before a meeting with a client. The place specializes in soba and as with most soba places, they are popular with senior citizens. I was surprised that the restaurant that was located in a shopping mall was so packed at lunch with senior citizens.
I ordered this soba with egg for 1000yen which to me, is a premium price to pay for a simple soba.
On the way home after work that day, I bought these donuts from Krispy Kreme because I had been craving for some donut and they happened to have some interesting refreshing lemon flavours, All were delicious but I was slightly disappointed with the chocolate ones because I thought that the toppings would be crunchy, but they were soft.